Weight loss question


New member
ok so im a 15 year old boy that is 5'10 and i weight 170. i plan on loosing weight at planet fitness by walking on the treadmill for 7-10 miles then using the stationary bike for about 30-45 minutes then i will lift about 75 pounds of weight. i also plan on eating right. will this allow me to loose about 10- 20 pounds?
I'm only new here myself, but I think a lot of people might say that that's too much focus on exercise maybe and not quite enough emphasis on calories.

From reading this forum I gather that a calorie deficit is the key to losing weight.

Doing lots of exercise will mean you burn more calories, but watching your diet will mean you have less calories to burn in the first place.

Please take what I say with a grain of salt though - like I said in new here too.

Is your plan enough to lose 10-20lbs? I guess you could try it and find out?

Good luck. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful.
Yes Lyoness is right, need to focus on calories as well as exercise, i think they say weight loss is 80% diet and 20% exercise, correct me if im wrong guys, its just a rough estimate i have heard of in the past.

I think losing weight comes down to three main things. The first and most important is your attitude and motivation levels. You can have a great workout routine and diet plan but its of no use if you don't apply yourself consistently. Hence, attitude must come first and this is from personal experience that i have noticed weight loss starts with your attitude. You really need to find why you want to lose the weight not just that you want to lose weight. If you have a good enough reason and attitude, coupled with diet and exercise, weight should fall off.

As for the amount of weight loss, it depends on your body type, what you are eating and again exercise. If you have been overweight most of your life then it will come off slower but if you have been fitter than it may come off quickly. In saying this, everyone is different and you dont know how your body will function when trying to lose weight. It all depends so like Lyoness mentioned, give your workout and diet a try and see how it goes. If its not working, try something different. Always research when in doubt ;)

All the best and keep us posted =)