As of May of last year I went to a gyno and found out I had insulin resistance. She put me on a low carb diet and since I have reversed it, dropping my insulin levels to a normal range. However since December my weight loss has stopped, and not only that I have gained four pounds back. I have been doing everything to lose weight. I even dedicated two months to working out two hours a day five times a week, following most of the same diet I initially lost the weight with (30 pounds), with just thirty grams of added carbs because my insulin is stable now. I am having a hard time tapping into the fat. I just recently started to include apple cider into my diet because of its weight loss benefits but even that isn't making the scale budge a little. I weigh 207 pounds as of right now and I want to lose forty more pounds to be a healthy weight. I don't think it is my diet since I eat around 1300 calories a day. And since the exercise I added just makes me fluctuate between 207 and 205 I don't really know what else could be wrong. Perhaps cortisol? Or a nutritional deficiency? How can I burn this unwanted fat? Are there any supplements or methods that have worked for someone else who has plateaued like this?