weight loss, muscle gain, polands syndrome


New member
So i need weight loss advice. But i feel it is important for you to know my situation. Im 19 years old, male, about 6ft tall currently 215 pounds. I have social anxiety, and im a paranoid schizophrenic. In other words, gyms intimmidate the sh*t out of me. Id buy a membership but im afraid ill stop after the first time because of the anxiety and paranoia. I want to avoid the gym if possible. Or maybe find a full body workout that i can do quickly at the gym while still being effective. I was thinking bodyweight exercises would be perfect to avoid the gym but i dont thjnk an effectove full body worout is possible using just bodyweight.

Ok now here is the part i really need advice on. I know i need to do some strength training. the tricky part is that i have a syndrome (polands) that prevented me from developing my right pec major muscle while growing as a fetus. I dont care that my chest is not symmetrical. What i do care about is that my upper body is confused as to which muscles should be used while doing chest workouts. For example, If i lose 30 pounds in fat that would leave my arms looking dramatically different. In order to make up for my missing pec, my right bicep and tricep are huge compared to the left. Would it be acceptable to target only my left bicep, tricep, along with what i have for a right pec? Or should i train everything evenly?

Also i was wondering if i can consume mostly just protein as my diet (whey powder, chicken, fish and eggs). My objective is to buuld muscle while losing fat at the same time. Will too much protein add fat, even if im exercising?
Is it bad to do cardio every day?
Tips on sticking to a diet? I usually do it for 2 weeks then stop, but im more determined than ive ever been before.

I know that is a lot of info to take in but any help would be appreciated. Also thank you for welcoming me to the forum i hope to share my success with people going through the same thing as me.
Firstly, welcome to the forum :)

Depending on your strength goals an effective workout can be done at home with minimal equipment. For gym memberships, many gyms are 24 hour and these usually have times when there are very few people if any working out. Eg I take my son to train at about 11 pm and we are usually the only people training.

As for training evenly, it depend on how important symmetry is for you. some symmetry is important, eg your left bicep and left tricep need to be worked equally to prevent elbow problems but your left arm does not need to be the same as your right unless your worried about appearance in which case it is ok to target one side more than the other.

Any pec work you do need to be offset with equivalent work on your back.

yes eating too much protein will add fat if your eating a surplus of calories. do you know your bodyfat% ? as this will allow for a more accurate estimate of how much protein you need. A ketogenic diet fits roughly with your food plan, in which you eat adequate protein, low carb and only enough fat to keep you from feeling hungry. Keto diets are good for rapid fat loss while maintaining muscle but can be hard to stick in the first 2 weeks if you like a lot of high carb foods, but you have reduced cravings and hunger once you are adapted.

Yes you can do cardio every day but it is a good idea not to do the same cardio every day and also vary the intensity of the cardio.

I would suggest starting a thread in the diary section of the forum, as more members will see your post and you will get a lot more support.
Ive got into a program that really helped me out without the need of a gym. I dont like gyms anyways with the membership fees and all. If you need something nutrition advice and some simple exercises that will only be 30mins a day that will help you lose weight fast let me know!