weight loss help


New member
As a college student, giving up all the foods I always eat was hard. For 2 months now I have cut out all bad food, been trying to eat healthy 3 meals a day (for splitting the meals isnt an option in college with a meal plan) and have been sticking to a hard weight training 5 day a week routine. I have made some gains in weight training increasing most exercises, but have hit a plateau in this as well. I am 6'4 and 205lbs, but with a very small build...have never had a very athletic body. I am trying to lose the fat build around my midsection while gaining some muscle mass but as my gains in lifting have slowed, I have yet to have lost a single pound of fat, as all clothes remain tight or unfitting and the scale still taunts.
I have no clue what to do besides go to the hardcore step by step watching and cardio out of my wazoo...but was hoping there was some direction I could take to prevent this extreme and possible failure once again down the road that comes with the extreme measures.
post your diet, post your exercise routine. we can go from there.
Morning Granola Bar

Lunch Salad start with either a half sandwich or wrap

Snack The other half of the lunch

Dinner Occasional salad with a form of meat (ie pork chop, chicken breast, steak) and small portion of potato
or Chicken quesadilla with fruit

Mon- Chest and Tricepts
Tues- Back and Abs
Weds- Legs
Thurs- Shoulders
Fri- Forearms/Bicepts