Weight loss & gain on birth control


New member
I am wondering if people can share their experiences with weight loss and gain on birth control.

I have been on some form of birth control for my entire life. However, I was on Depo for 3 years (I have been off for 2), and while I was on it, I managed to gain an exorbitant amount of weight. I know this is a common side effect for women on this medication, however, I am wondering if this weight gain is one of the reasons why I am finding it difficult to lose this weight.

What are other's experiences with losing weight while on birth control? Have people found that since this medication is directly linked to hormone balances that weight loss/gain is different?
AI've recently come off the combined pill which I've previously been on n off for many years. I think it was causing havoc with my hormones and so fueling my binging & major cravings. I know many girls with the implant gain masses of weight!
If you have gained lot of weight and loosing it just after giving birth is not recommended by the doctors. You can start exercising after 4-5 months and can gradually increase your workout time.
There is always a side effect in engaging birth control and usually women gain weight.Fortunately, there are ways of minimizing this side effect.Consequently, women are recommended to take birth control pills that contain as little estrogen as possible. At the moment, there are no contraceptives with less than 20 mcg of estrogen. You are highly recommended to talk to your health care provider if you gain weight while taking birth control pills with more estrogen. If the gained weight exceeds 5 percent of the body weight, this may indicate that you have either an abnormal glucose metabolism or insulin resistance. By taking these measures, you may be able to avoid gaining extra pounds.
When it comes to sensible birth control, women are usually left with the position of ensuring protection against pregnancy by using birth control pills or shots. These birth control methods affect your hormones and can cause some tremendous weight gain problems.

