weight loss and body transformation tactics


New member
hello,i want to help the people that i know,who need to lose weight.problem is that everyone has different ways on doing things like this.all i want from you,the reader,is the amount of weight you lost,how you did it,what exercises(if any)you did,and how long it took.i want to compile this info and spread it to other people.

also-i feel that i could lose about 10-15 pounds.i need some really challenging cardio/weight training exercises.
Why not just tell the people to join the forum so they can get the help they need?
Well then I'm sure you won't mind showing us the respect enough to read through the stickies which house much of the information you're after.

If, after doing this, you still have specific questions... I, or I'm sure any other of the informed members here, will certainly be willing to help.
Not only look at the stickies but read through peoples weight loss journals as well

And while you're at it... feel free to create one of your own. :jump: