Weight Loss Advice (15 years old)


New member
Hello, friends. So, I'm here today asking for some help and advice.

Okay, so here goes.

My name is Ashton, male, I am almost 16 in November, I am 5'10 and I weigh 335 pounds. Let me discuss how I got this big and then hopefully you guys can help me with losing it. Okay, so first and foremost, I have been lazy all my life. It's not that I don't know how to work, how to exercise, I just have never wanted to. I was, and still am, content to play video games all day and browse the web. But I've come to the realization that I can no longer keep doing this. Another issue is that I am homeschooled for the past few years, by my own choice. Reason why, is my school teaches creationism and I do not think that is a proper education. I'm also wanting to be a neurosurgeon, and I need a GOOD education to do that, and online education is the best way to go.

Anyways, I am trying to fill my schedule with more productive and useful things-aka not video games. I am getting a job soon, so I will have a job, school, and the gym everyday to take up my time, so I think it's a good step to taking control of my life.

So, all that aside, let's talk about health. I have had an eating disorder related to Anxiety, but I have medication for that now and my binge eating habits have went away, but, even though I'm maintaining my weight, I"m not losing. I'm going to the gym in 2 months when I'm 16, as there is an age requirement, but I want to prepare before I go.

Here are my questions.

-I will be going to the gym 6 days a week for an hour and a half, what should I do with this time, any recommendations? Give me any information you can about weight lifting, cardio, etc. Keep in mind, I am very heavy, so I can't start off by walking 3 miles. I have to start slow.

-Food. I plan on getting up at about 9am and going to bed at 11-12, with three meals a day. I want to make one meal subway veggie delight, as I love subway, but what are some other healthy meals that I can eat, along with healthy snacks. I don't' drink soda or anything like that, although I do on occasion have an energy drink. Other than monster, It's just water. I don't eat junk food, either. Maybe one or two cookies a day, but that's really it. My main issue would be I would have 1-2 thousand calorie meals when I would binge eat, it was never really snacks that were my issue, so I'm fine there. I just need healthy snack ideas, and healthy meal ideas.

-This is a very hard question, and impossible to answer accurately, but I will still ask it anyways. How long would it take to go from 335lbs to about 160? That's my ideal healthy weight. I'm aware it won't happen over night, I've learnt this the hard way over trying diets and falling off them for, uhh, 5 years now? I have finally accepted it will take time. Any ideas?

Those are my questions, sorry for this wall of text, I am bad with expressing issues in few words, just the way I am. Any information would be appreciated.
Welcome to the forum ashton,

Firstly, exercising at the gym, with your current weight you should plan for a trip to your doctor to get a clearance to exercise, and they can tell you what type of exercise you can and can not do in a safe way, doing to much or the wrong exercises can be dangerous. eg. high blood pressure means you should not be lifting weights overhead etc.

Walking is a good option but don't set a distance on your walk, start at a slow pace and build up the time you can manage untill you can handle 20-30 minutes, then you can slowly increase your pace as your weight drops and fitness improves.

For your diet, I would suggest you start a journal in the diary section of the forum to track your current food (including calories, and fat,carbs,protein) and to get a lot of support from members. Without a clear pattern of eating and the calories involved it is difficult to be specific except to say the cookies and monster need to cut.