weight gainer or protein gainer?????

i currently weigh 80kg and am 6'1" tall and would like to put on some weight. i've been trying to gain weight for years and nothing happens. i eat like a horse but feel that i finally should supplement my meals with some weight gainer but i'm not sure if it should be weight gainer or protein shakes or creatine or maybe there is something that combines both?

i've recently started working out again and try for 5 times a week but sometimes its only 3 or 4 times a week due to other committments. i'm also 33 years old and am fairly lean if that matters.

thanks in advance!!
1. Get your diet in order. You might be eating a lot, but are you eating enough of the right things?

2. Pick a routine and stick with it. Consistency is important. So, select a routine that fits into your schedule.

After you do those 2 things, you might find it necessary to drink protein shakes in order to reach the amount of protein you'll need to take in daily. I would advise against weight gainers as you'll be much better of with real food.
i'd like to see an honest day's meal log, with exact weights/volumes of food eaten.

Lunch: 6 oz chicken breast, 1 cup brown rice, 1 cup broccoli, steamed...

etc. i bet you don't east as much as you think