Im going to be taking a weight gainer. I weigh 140 and im 18 years old and i train ridiculous amounts. Any recommendations on a site to buy it from? I want to get to 150.
Or should I just buy a protein powder?
Just eat!!! But if you still can't get enough calories, i use muscle milk also (mostly because i get it for cheap from a friend, but usually has pretty good deals)...
Ok I eat like a nut. Its too hard for me too normally gain weight. I've been eating 5 meals a day. Chugging milk like crazy but still i don't gain weight. I feel bloated after dinner because I eat 2 much.
Weight gainer is needed. Muscle milk? Ok might go with that.
I just want a weight gainer not creatine. What the heck is muscle milk anyway? Produces more creatine. Does it have a lot of calories thats what im concerned about.
Muscle Milk is really good stuff then?.. Im trusting you guys i ordered a container of it today.. I bet any money i'll pack on a big amount FAST b.c. I barely ever gain weight even tho. i really try.