I've been trying to lose weight for about a while now, i recently lost about 25 pounds in about lets say.. 5 or 6 months leaving me at about 150 on a average scale from your local Target. I never kept track through out the months but I slowly pushed myself into getting MORE active and eating correctly. I'm a biker who probally rides between 20-50 miles a week, I might be wrong and I try to do as much push ups and crunches I can within the week. I live in LA and I recently graduated from highschool less then a month ago. I want to have a fitter body to raise my selfesteem and less fat around the thighs and stomach region. I've always had big thighs for some reason and never had a six pack. So what my question is, should I keep doing what I been doing? OR Should I step up my game another notch? If so, what can I do to do so?