Weight Back ON :( (From 215 to 150 and from 150 to 200)


New member
So after going from 215 pound to 150 (In 7 months) I am now back at the 200s. :banghead: sad I know. This crap keeps happening to me again and again. I think I love food too much. I put the weight back on due to inactivity and eating out all the time with my Skinny Beautiful Wife (110 pounds) :cuss:

I am writing this to let everyone know that PLEASE watch what you eat. Eating out is the WORSE and lack of exercise is bad as well.

Anyways, I am controlling myself again now and exercising more and more and watching what I eat.

I wanted to vent with you guys and tell you my misfortune.

This is going to be fun, Lets the Fat attack begging AGAIN!
sorry that happened to you?

you didn't notice that your clothes were getting tighter? One thing I've m ade sure to do is get rid of all my 'too big" clothes so that I've got no reason to backslide.. walkng around nekkid would be bad :)

you 've found your way to the 150s before you know how to get there again.. :) much success
Good luck! Nothing worse than getting where you need to be and then back sliding. I did that a couple of years ago.
I'm sorry you gained it back, and after a lot of hard work.

For myself it isn't what I eat, but not excersising. If I don't excersise, the weight just piles on. I can eat anything I want (within reason) but I have to excersise. I know if I ate out a lot it would make things hard!

Good for you for getting back on the wagon.
One thing I've m ade sure to do is get rid of all my 'too big" clothes so that I've got no reason to backslide.. walkng around nekkid would be bad :)

I do the same thing! Unfortunately, after I got to 185, I gained back 20 pounds while recovering from surgery (pain killers gave me the munchies and I couldn't move much!). I have 2 pairs of pants that fit me when I gained it all back. :p

I've made myself a promise. If I see the scale go up 5 pounds, I'm re-evaluating what I'm doing. It happened to me already but I caught it early. Catch the backslide EARLY!
Thank you guys, I am trying. One thing DID change. My JOB! I sit down in my cube for 9 hours and I don't move AT ALL! At my last Job at least I did walk a little and moved more....

Any suggestions to fix this or make it a little better? WITHOUT CHANGING JOBS? lol
I have the same job. I could easily not leave my desk all day. Things I do:

Deliver notes, memos and so forth in person instead of phone/email

I have to send out a lot of packages etc. We have a runner that we can drop things in a cart and she will wheel it back to shipping every hour or so. I take mine myself

Get up and walk during lunch and breaks.

Now keep in mind none of these things will be a replacement for an exercise program but they will get the blood flowing a few times a day. I would use it this way: Tell yourself "I sit on my ass for 9 hrs a day" "I have no excuse whatsoever to exersice for 30 minutes in the evening."
I have the same job. I could easily not leave my desk all day. Things I do:

Deliver notes, memos and so forth in person instead of phone/email

I have to send out a lot of packages etc. We have a runner that we can drop things in a cart and she will wheel it back to shipping every hour or so. I take mine myself

Get up and walk during lunch and breaks.

Now keep in mind none of these things will be a replacement for an exercise program but they will get the blood flowing a few times a day. I would use it this way: Tell yourself "I sit on my ass for 9 hrs a day" "I have no excuse whatsoever to exersice for 30 minutes in the evening."

Thats a good one. Yeah we have the same type of guy with the cart and you drop your items in there. Wel I will give it a try for a month and see. Im sure the other "cart guy" will get fat not picking my stuff up lol
I do a lot of the same things edco does to get me moving just a bit during the day. I'm not in a cubicle so I have a bit more freedom. Here are other things I do:

I have a wireless phone so I pace around the room while talking (which can add nearly an hour of walking in my day).

I used to print things and only pick them up at the end of the day since the printer is upstairs. Now I get every little thing as soon as I hit print.

When I'm thinking, I pace instead of kicking back with my feet up (the old way!).

I work in a lab where tools get scattered around the building constantly. Every 30 minutes or so I stand up and take a few tools back to where they belong. The lab is much cleaner now too! :D

But most importantly, I walk to work. It's only a mile, but it's good exercise. Can you walk or bike to work? With gas prices what they are, you have more than one incentive to not drive!
Yep this happened to me and it's tough.

I absolutely love food and it's our family's passtime. Some families do sports, or movies, or card games or whatever. For our family (and extended family) It's always food. It doesn't just fill the stomach, but warms the heart as well!!

Since I was in High School the lowest weight I have been was 170. I stayed around 200 throughout highschool, and now I'm at my highest weight ever!!

I'm excersizing a lot more now and slowly weaning myself off of bad foods... Figure I'll take it slow this time and not cold turkey...

Good luck getting your weight off, I hope I can do the same!

I did the same thing as you. From March 07 to July 07 I went from 200lbs to 160lbs. My sisters and I had a bet to see who could lose the most weight before 4th of July. Well, I won the bet, but have been putting the weight back on ever since. I got up to 225lbs this May. So, now I'm back on my way to getting it off again. Good luck on your journey!

Yeah it sucks
More Venting......

I hate fat but i love fast food. What is wrong with me? I think god has cursed me with weight.

I mean I put weight like crazy. For example:

My wife and I go to lunch/dinner toguether all the time.

She orders: Big Hamburguer, Big Fries, Big Coke.
I order: Big Hamburguer, Big Fries, Big Coke. (exactly the same)

at the end she looses 1/2 pound and I gained 13.

Pretty awesome right?
More Venting......

I hate fat but i love fast food. What is wrong with me? I think god has cursed me with weight.

I mean I put weight like crazy. For example:

My wife and I go to lunch/dinner toguether all the time.

She orders: Big Hamburguer, Big Fries, Big Coke.
I order: Big Hamburguer, Big Fries, Big Coke. (exactly the same)

at the end she looses 1/2 pound and I gained 13.

Pretty awesome right?
Men typically lose weight more easily than women because of the muscle mass that testosterone allows. If you are seriously eating the same thing as your wife and you are putting on weight and she is losing weight, you need to see your doctor.
I'm sorry to hear you have gained the weight back. I am also in the same boat and struggling to loose it again.
For myself, I was in the mind set that once I loose the weight, I can go right back to my old eating habits and not gain it back. It's worked in the past. But my metabalism has slowed down and I am no longer in my 20's.
It really is about a mind change.

One thing additional regarding moving more at work: park further away. Perhaps get a step counter to wear and aim to hit a certain number of steps each day and increase it.

Good luck!
Sorry to hear of your weight gain. Seems a common problem! A couple years ago I got down from 208 to 183, and it's slowly gone up all the way to 199. I had gotten rid of all my clothes that got too big, but just recently bought myself more because I really needed something to wear that I'd feel pretty in. But I only bought a few things, because I'm not going to be here long!!!

Anyways, you did it before, you can do it again, and we're all here for you!
ugh, i slid 15lbs and I feel terrible. I know exactly how you feel :( I agree with whomever said that you need to set your "bad" weight gain (not flux, actual fat) and when you hit that realise that you need to change.

Things I use to tell myself I can't gain? Skin elasticity (i read somewhere that with weight gain/loss it depleats..if I'm wrong I don't want to know ;) ). I Buy EXPENSIVE clothing, there is no way I'm buying another pair of jeans because my butt doesn't fit into the expensive ones. I also try on my clothing regularly to make sure I haven't shifted back into the fat pants.

Also, I do sympathize with your SO and the weight thing. My SO can eat a lot, and drop weight twice as quickly. Bastard ;)
Well this is an update:

I am going to the gym even though I have to go at night were I used to spend time with my wife (we basically don't see each other just at night when we come home from work) so by going to the gym I spend less time with her and she gets a little upsted about that. But I am trying.......

Also I am being careful with food, even though they have open buffets were I work (FOR FREE!!!)

Its hard but I am trying. thanks gus for the support.

Please keep me motivated. thanks
They have the free buffet lunch where I work, too. From week to week it varies on what is there, this week they seem to be focusing on pizza (lucky me) so I am packing a lunch. Next time you are eyeballing that tasty food you should ask yourself: is the feeling I get from eating that food worth more than how good I am going to feel when I meet my goal? It doesn't always work, but from time to time it keeps me from giving in to those naughty temptations.

Good luck and hang in there

Well this is an update:

I am going to the gym even though I have to go at night were I used to spend time with my wife (we basically don't see each other just at night when we come home from work) so by going to the gym I spend less time with her and she gets a little upsted about that. But I am trying.......

Also I am being careful with food, even though they have open buffets were I work (FOR FREE!!!)

Its hard but I am trying. thanks gus for the support.

Please keep me motivated. thanks

could you not possibly go to the gym together ,even though she does not need to lose weight exercise still makes you feel good right? and its also a fact that exercise also increases your labido so you would be killing two birds with one stone aswell as burning hundreds of calories :D
and if not the gym then something like dance classes , running or romantic walks etc

all the best, you will do it . xx
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