Weight-Loss weighing food



New member
quick question. Does weighing food matter if it is done pre-cooked or post-cooked?

I have been trying to prepare some of my meals ahead of time, so it would be easier to cook a large amount of some foods and then weigh out the individual servings before putting them in the refridgerator.

another example is I tend to cook several chicken breasts at a time so they are ready to go when I need them. Some times I will cut them up to make a burrito or throw some pieces into another dish. I hope my question makes sense.
quick question. Does weighing food matter if it is done pre-cooked or post-cooked?

i think it definitely matters. i could be wrong but i believe the cooking process, alters the weight of food depending on what it is. it could remove the moisture content from the food (eg chicken) hence it would weigh less after cooking, whereas with foods like rice i think it would weigh more because it absorbs moisture instead. it's just my 2 cents though so i could be wrong.

to be on the safe side i weigh my food after i've cooked it....i actually do the same thing as you, i cook my chicken breasts in bulk, i basically dress them and put them all in the oven and when they're done i weigh out the portions and pack them in plastic containers so that they're ready-to-go.
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