Weak, Unfit 14y/o


So...I'll cut straight to the point, I'm 14, I'm weaker than most my peers, and extremely unfit.

I play basketball in the summer, and rugby in the winter, and tennis all year round. I have two trainings for basketball/rugby per week, and one for tennis, so I'm relatively active. However I do believe its my diet that lets me down, as I eat alot of fatty foods, and drink ALOT of soft drinks, which I have cut down a lot recently.

I play basketball at a relatively high level, and am in the second highest team in my year out of 6 teams. However, for rugby, I'm in the lowest team out of 7 teams, which can be quite embarrasing sometimes. :p

I'm around 165cm tall, and 58kg. I have taken up running every day now for about the past week or so to get fitter, and have access to a local gym, and a gym at school, as well as a few 1 handed weights at home (however not that heavy).

What should I do to get fitter and stronger? What workouts should I do and what should I eat as I want to get in higher teams for everything, and more importantly, live a healthier lifestyle than I have been previously.

Thanks in advance,

- Ghul

(Sorry for the length)
at your age try not to do too much weights. Not for the whole stunt growth myth because that didnt happen to me i grew to be 6'1 and im 17 which means i got another 4 years left of growing. But what id watch out for at a young age you more likely to hurt your back lifting weights especially because of improper technique i would say start with body weight program do that for a couple months and then slowy building into monitored weights.

Take Care
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Good luck on your journey and i hope you reach your goal as quick as i did.
