Weak Knees

I have weak knees, but I want to know how I can train them so they well... become stronger. Can anyone give me some tips for building strength? Thanks in advance.
weak or damaged knees

I am always looking for exercises to improve my knees. I don't have weak knees per say but damaged definitely from years of sports and lacrosse killed them. I am unable to do squats at all. Maybe we are looking for the same thing?
"weak knees"......that is not very descriptive lol

Little more info...have a injury earlier in life, bone/joint pain? stuff like that
I did have an injury to my knees before, though I never found out what happened. I did kung-fu for a few months and one day I was playing handball. I tried squatting down at that time when all of a sudden I get a really really intense pain in both of my knee caps. My friends thought it was a joke, but something serious definitely happened. My knees were like filled with some liquid. I never got them checked out officially because I thought the problem would go away. The liquid eventually left, but I still think it caused some permanent damage. So that is the story of my weak knees. Any advice would be very much appreciated.
I've got weak knees too, so am hoping to learn more from anyone. I got mine from skiing w/out building up the muscles first. I originally planned on only going skiing once a week through a college program, then started going several times a week, then went crazy w/ how much I loved it & went every single day I could. I had a blast & got carried away. I ended up having an arthroscopy (sp?)on each knee because the cartilage became inflamed & needed to be scraped. The right knee healed very well, the left did not. I originally only had problems w/ my left knee, now have problems w/ both knees. They hurt very easily from walkng or exercising.

I'll keep checking back to see if anyone ever writes more here...

olga p
hey Guys,
Nothing beats squats for knee health. Concentrate on squatting with good form. Use a chair or box set behind you and sit on it. Concentrate on shifting your bodyweight back and do not fall "forward". this places too much stress on the knee cap tendon and may cause you more pain. Secondly, concentrate on and strengthening your glutes (butt muscles). If the glutes are strong, the knees will be healthy.