We cannot let NAE82's Birthday pass without Notice!

Happy Birthday Nae!!!!!!!!!! How young are we Today?

Say, Nae I Say without Delay, Happy Birthday, and May more be on-the-Way and your passion always be at Play Everyday

Best Regards,

Happy birthday!
aaaah, half way to 30. Soon you'll have problems with your hips and joints, you'll wake up in the morning and forget where you left your keys, people will start calling you 'maam'... You might as well order your walker now LOL.

Happy Birthday!
aaaah, half way to 30. Soon you'll have problems with your hips and joints, you'll wake up in the morning and forget where you left your keys, people will start calling you 'maam'... You might as well order your walker now LOL.

Happy Birthday!

wouldnt 15 be half way to 30???
happy birthday
Well, if you wanna get technical and all! LOL

I guess I'm going by decades...you know between 20 and 30 there's 25 :p

(and by the way, what in the name of sweet jesus is on your avatar?)
aaaah, half way to 30. Soon you'll have problems with your hips and joints, you'll wake up in the morning and forget where you left your keys, people will start calling you 'maam'... You might as well order your walker now LOL.

Happy Birthday!

UH! This isnt true, LOL! I will be 46 (2morrow), and I have no aches and pains speak of.........That I can remember anyway.....
UH! This isnt true, LOL! I will be 46 (2morrow), and I have no aches and pains speak of.........That I can remember anyway.....



that was too funny.

tomorrow is saturday and i usually dont touch the computer on the weekends.. so.. HAPPY BDAY TOMORROW CHILLEN.. sorry, I don't have a clever rhyme lol
Happy 25th Birthday!!

I remember my twenty fifth b-day, many years ago it was a gre.....

aaahhh what was I talking about?? damn getting old..:)