Ways to loose belly fat?



Hi there, people. I'm new here so if this isn't in the right section my apologies.

I'm trying to loose some belly fat, and was wondering what methods worked for you guys. I know you can't target one area of your body for fat loss, so I guess I should say methods that helped you loose weight, specifically belly fat? My problem is that I'm, what's the word, "chubby" I guess? I have slight man boobs and belly fat I'd very much like to get rid of. Around 2 years ago I was under the impression that doing lots of sit-ups and crunches would help me loose belly fat and get me that six pack, but I was wrong in a sense. Here I am 2 years later with a six pack, but in order to see it I have to push my belly fat down. I've made and am making changes to my diet, eating healthier is something I now I'll have to do to stay in shape, and something I should have been doing all along, haha. Its gotten to the point though where I'm unhappy with my body, I mean its not bad, I'm 6' 0" & only 165 pounds(give or take a few), I even have a slightly visible "v" shape, so I shouldn't be complaining, but I'm really unhappy about the man-boobs and belly fat. I don't mean to sound all "I'm ugly & gross", I just wanna loose a few pounds and get rid of these moobs/some belly fat in the process. I know I'll be happier if I do. So any advice for me? I need some at home workouts that will burn some fat(especially in the belly area), and help get rid of moobs.
Have you considered the humble hula hoop? Its great for targeting the stomach area and is surprisingly hard work. If you have the Wii Fit they have a hula hoop exercise and its very effective.
yeah... that's a pain in the a$$ eh?? (having a six pack under the belly!)...

So, it sounds like you know that you can't take fat off of one specific area, unless you do something like liposuction... just like, women can't gain weight in just their boobs, and lose everywhere but their boobs when they do lose weight... it's just not like that. Our bodies 'store' the fat wherever they want. The only hope you have is to reduce your overall body fat %. Diets like the South Beach (recipes online for free) claim to help lose belly fat first, but like all diets, it's unlikely to have much creedance to it. I have lost 50lbs, and the last fat on my body is... yup, on my belly... When I was in college, I had to get down to 11% body fat to get t a six pack... keep going, you'll expose those abs eventually, but it will take some solid effort..

I am sorry to hear that you are having trouble losing belly fat.

Just remember that you cannot lose weight in isolation.

You will have to lose it all over your body.

Go on a weight loss diet that enables you to lose about 2 pounds a week.

If you do weight training then increase the number of repetetions to at least 20 reps per set.

Do more aerobic activity such as swimming, walking or even a step class.

Just make sure that you are eating less food each day than your body needs

and do some form of exercise to tone and firm your body.

Good luck in your weight loss.

Stephen Hart