Yeah I do. When I train people, if their goal is fat loss, I tell them if they are dedicated they can safely lose .5-1% bodyfat per week. I believe this is a better recommendation than saying 1-2 lbs of bodyweight per week. There are two main reasons for this:
1) Recommending someone lose .5-1% bodyfat per week makes allowances for the individual. Saying a person should lose 1-2 lbs of weight per week does not. Losing 2 lbs of weight is not significant for a 275 lb man, especially if he's an athlete, because of a greater caloric expenditure. However, for a 115 lb woman 2 lbs is quite a bit of weight to lose in a week. Going by bodyfat % instead makes allowances for the size of the individual. So if I recommend a 275 lb man to lose up to 1% bodyfat per week he can drop up to 2.75 lbs per week, which he could do safely. Meanwhile, for the 115 lb woman that means she could drop up to 1.15 lbs of fat safely. So going by bodyfat % instead of scale weight is superior in my opinion because it makes allowances for each individual.
2) Going by scale weight does not make allowances for where the gains/losses in weight come from. The weight could come from fat, muscle, or water. As you know muscle weighs more than fat so someone on an effective exercise program could lose 10 lbs of fat, gain 4 lbs of muscle, and think they didn't make as much progress as they actually did because they'd only see that they just lost 6 lbs. I put a woman on a workout program 8 weeks ago and she lost about 8 lbs of weight but her bodyfat % dropped 6%. She was worried about the scale not dropping as quickly as she would have liked but when she saw the results in the mirror that helped put her at ease. In reality she lost about 12 lbs of fat but gained about 3 lbs of lean mass. The scale didn't reflect this, but testing her bodyfat % and the mirror were better indicators of her progress.
Scale weight also fluctuates too much. And then we must consider the influence of water. If I stop working out for 6+ months and then start working out again for about 1.5 hrs per day I tend to lose about 8-10 lbs of weight in the first week. I know only about 1.5-2 lbs are from fat and the rest is from water weight.
So overall, yeah, I do believe recommending a loss of .5-1% bodyfat per week is generally superior to recommending a loss of 1-2 lbs per week.