Waxy Maize

So it has been a while since I have looked at anything in a supplement store other than what I go in to buy regularly (grab my protein, creatine, dextrose get out). But, it was cold today and I decided to browse a bit to warm up. The carbs section seems to be loaded with "Waxy Maize" all of a sudden form just about every company, is this something new? The claims on some of the packages seemed outrageous and others sounded like just a decent carb supplement.

I figured if anybody would be able to tell me anything about the stuff it would be you guys. Is this another fad product that got a write up somewhere and everybody jumped on the wagon or is it actually something worth considering?
I'm not an expert, but from what i gather it spikes your insulin just like dextros and maltodextrin, but it causes less of the bloated feeling, it also passes through your stomach faster. Its good for PWO drinks
I'm not an expert, but from what i gather it spikes your insulin just like dextros and maltodextrin, but it causes less of the bloated feeling, it also passes through your stomach faster. Its good for PWO drinks

I have found that is does not bloat at all and feels as if it is helps with fatique after a hard workout when 'i get a bit shaky. It isn't delicious though. :0 Not sweet and sort of chalky- or atleast Glyco Maize is. I am very carb sensitive and get bloated from any starch or simple carb and it is the same.