So it has been a while since I have looked at anything in a supplement store other than what I go in to buy regularly (grab my protein, creatine, dextrose get out). But, it was cold today and I decided to browse a bit to warm up. The carbs section seems to be loaded with "Waxy Maize" all of a sudden form just about every company, is this something new? The claims on some of the packages seemed outrageous and others sounded like just a decent carb supplement.
I figured if anybody would be able to tell me anything about the stuff it would be you guys. Is this another fad product that got a write up somewhere and everybody jumped on the wagon or is it actually something worth considering?
I figured if anybody would be able to tell me anything about the stuff it would be you guys. Is this another fad product that got a write up somewhere and everybody jumped on the wagon or is it actually something worth considering?