Sport wats the difference

Sport Fitness
hi there.
could anybody tell me wats the diff b/t serving and portion size i , ya ya i know its stupid question but im really confused.
and does anybody tell me which is the best diet to follow and which really helps to reduce weight for good
i think nobody knows like me :eek:
Its hard to put to words but here goes-

A serving size tallies up the amount of calories, total fat, etc in just that amount (may be off by a few). It is just fact.
A portion size is how much you should take by your needs so you dont go overboard.

So, a bag of chips has one serving size of 150 calories
for a portion size, you would only take about half that serving size if you really wanna watch the intake of calories.

About the best diet to follow- there are so many diets out there that its hard to figure out which works because every body is different and has different needs so one diet may work on another person but not for you.
I dont rely on diets that come in a handy book such as the Atkins diet or the South Beach diet.
Suggestions of meals and tips on how to eat right works best for me. I also use common sense of what i eat. I use a food diary to note my daily intake and i dont starve myself. Doing just this has been the best diet for me.
Most "diets" are not going to work because you will not stay on them and they are very restrictive in some way. The best thing to do, in my opinion, is find out how many calories you need to maintain your goal weight, and keep a food diary restricting yourself to the ammount of calories that will maintain your goal weight. It may be hard in the begining, but you will quickly begin to make healthier choices because healthier choices are usually lower in calories so you can eat more of them. It is important to pay attention to portion and serving sizes, read the labels, watch the fat. Ther are a lot of web based diaries available that have calorie counts build in.
I don't really like the word diet but any "plan" that incorporates eating good carbs, lean proteins, and healthy fats are all good!
thanx jlcouture for telling me it helps a bit
well thanx senorita and teresand 77 for advicing me .i never use diets ,usually i try to eat healthy but now im stuck and not losing weight (probably i m not doing any exercise right now)
Serving size is detemined by the food manufacturer. They determine the size at which they report measurements on (how man carbs, calories, etc).

A portion is best described in comparison to objects. A portion of meat is the size of your fist. A portion of cheese is the size of a domino, etc.
thanx trainer lynn
now i can understands a bit