Sport Water...

Sport Fitness
Hi, how much water do you tend t drink during a workout in the gym. Is it a good thing to drink less water so that you sweat more or are you depriving your body of something that it needs...

I know we all have different workouts etc... but on average, how much water should you drink during a workout, is there any advantages of drinking less or more... thanks in advance
anyone at all... does anyone have any knowledge on this subject, thanks in advance...
What I do is drink anywhere from 20-32 oz of water twice during the day when I know I'm going to do a heavier work out later. This way I will be fully hydrated but won't have to worry about water cramps during the workout itself. After the workout, since sweating drains water from you system, I usually drink at least another 32 oz spread out through the rest of the day. I find it easier to spread it out around my workout than to try to work out full of water. Some people say jogging as long as you can without drinking water builds endurance/stamina, however, I could not tell you if this is true or not.
Sweat is your body's way of cooling down. Its not 'losing weight'. Sweat can carry some 'toxins' and other body chemicals (like sodium) out of the system, so in some regards its sort of cleansing, but that's not the goal.
And weight lost by sweating...doesn't count!

A good goal for daily fluid intake is 1 to 1.25 gallons of water. If you drink other liquids, most of them still count as hydration...even things like light beer, and soda and coffee. Sure they have alcohol, caffine, and a lot of acidity in the soda, which can dehydrate, but there's still water there too. You don't get as much hydration from them (plus all the calories and additives) but they do count.
So does the water in protein shakes, fruits, veggies, etc.

The way I do it is an 8oz glass during each meal, and one after wards, plus whatever water I wanna drink during the workout.
Drinking 10-12 glass of water is very much helpful for health.our body needs water to regulate body temperature and transports oxygen to cells, removes waste, and protects joints and organs.
hydrate like a king in the morning, a queen in the afternoon, and a peasant at night. You need MINIMUM 1/2 of your body weight in ounces of clean structured water DAILY! You will lose that through perspiration, urination, breathing, etc during the day. Needs to be distilled or some for of ionized water. Your body is made up of 70%-80% water. Please do not starve it of this essential fluid. Do your body a favor and properly hydrate. In the beginning stages you will need more water. This will help flush the body of toxins and help bring it back into a natural state. Dehydration and chemical in unbalanced water cause many symptomatic problems, so please stay hydrated, and make sure it's clean structured water.