Weight-Loss Water to satisfy hunger?



New member
I've heard or read somewhere that drinking water when you feel like you're hungry, if you drink a glass of water, your stomach is full and the feeling goes away, and of course, very few people drink as much water as they need anyway. I've also read/heard that thirst can feel like hunger. Obviously if it's dinner time, you're hungry, but not necessarily late evening etc.
In an effort to slow down what would be grazing on my part, does anyone find this works? Is it a myth? Are there drawbacks/dangers?
No dangers as long as you get your daily fruits and vegetables and eating a safe amount around your daily calorie intake.
Drinking water has saved me from a lot of unnecessary binges. Not only does it keep the hunger at bay, it also makes your skin clearer and makes it generally look healthier and younger. In addition to that, water helps with digestation. And to top it all off, people who are well hydrated generally are more capable, both physically and mentally, throughout the day.

I drink about a gallon of water a day.
Water helps me. I plan my meals out each day and stick to it, including snacks. If I'm hungry, I drink water. Another great thing that helps, is to sip water between bites. It helps a meal fill you up more. Also aids in digesting said meal! Eating slower helps too. Take a bite, chew, swallow, sip of water, swallow, next bite, etc. I think sometimes your body can take a minute to 'catch up' leading to seconds or snacking after a meal.
It is better to take the fluid drinks, you need to take suitable amount of liquids into your body for keeping you hydrated. This also helps you in fueling up in proper way.
I've heard or read somewhere that drinking water when you feel like you're hungry, if you drink a glass of water, your stomach is full and the feeling goes away, and of course, very few people drink as much water as they need anyway. I've also read/heard that thirst can feel like hunger. Obviously if it's dinner time, you're hungry, but not necessarily late evening etc.
In an effort to slow down what would be grazing on my part, does anyone find this works? Is it a myth? Are there drawbacks/dangers?

Drinking water for proper hydration is recommended, but it will not prevent hunger.

Many diet and health books recommend drinking a glass of water before going to social events, like cocktail parties and sporting events, because doing so will prevent you from overeating the unlimited unhealthy snack foods likely to be there. But if you are hungry nothing but food will make you feel full. So along with a bottle of water, always keep a box of healthy dry fruits or oats biscuits to control your hunger pranks.
Wrong again. Water can give you a feeling of fullness, and it can indeed make you feel less hungry for a while.
its always good o have enough and balanced amount of food and drinks for our body , Either its water or food when its cross its limits then its dangerous and harmful so its just about right amount to have.
Absolutely yes, for there is a saying that "water is life". So even if you don't eat the whole day you'll definitely survive in water alone.