Water is a must-Myth or Truth???


New member
If this is a repeat, forgive me. My question is this, is it really necessary to drink lots and lots of water to lose weight? I ask because one of the doctors I assist told me that it is unfounded that you have to drink 8 or more glasses of water to lose weight. It's good for general health she says but in weight loss it doesn't realy help. I assume that this "myth" was to get people off of the sodas and other high calorie drinks. I'm thinking that the thought process is if you drink 8 glassse or more, you will be less likely to drink so many sodas. I'm a true water drinker. I actually like water. Carbonated drinks hurt my throat and I hate them. Non carbonated drinks are so acidic, my tongue feels funny afterwards. The only high calorie drinks I drink is alcohol which is weekends only. I'm cutting down on those DRASTICALLY. Didn't realize I drink all of the calories right back on the weekends. So is there documentation that drinking water helps you lose weight? If so how? I was thinking maybe you burn calories processing it which makes is a negative calorie drink...dunno. If it does help somehow, I will continue to drink my 8 glasses. Sometimes it's sort of hard to get it all in with my work schedule and I want to really make sure I drink all 8 and then some if it helps in weight loss. I'm here to learn, educate me. Let's talk about it...
If you use the search feature (it helps burn calories) and search on Water...

The simple answer is - drink as much water as you feel you need...
Hi Sincerest
Drinking water helps you to lose weight as it fills you up making it less likely that you will want to snack on unhealthy foods. Often thirst is mistaken for hunger and directly you drink a glass of water you will feel satisfied.

There is a very minimal effect of increasing your metabolism slightly by drinking cold water. The body has to burn calories to bring the cold water up to body temperature.

Drink a glass of warm water with a slice of lemon first thing in the morning before breakfast to kick start your metabolism for the day.

It sounds like you drink enough water anyway.

Kathy Joyce
I believe that the water thing is true for those that didn't drink water originally. For example, I used to drink 1 glass every 3 weeks. I'd live on Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi.

As soon as I stopped doing that, and drank 8-10 glasses of water a day, I dropped the weight pretty quickly. Even though I don't exercise on some days and eat a good meal.

18 pounds in 12 days. Methinks that water makes a difference when going from one extreme to another. As for someone in your case, where you already are drinking enough water... I'm not sure.

But in theory, I imagine that it'd help your body clean out the toxins better. I noticed that when I drink a lot of water, the color of my ahem.. Pardon me being candid- urine- being much lighter. This indicates that my kidneys and livers are functioning very well and very happy. I imagine that this has health benefits, as well as in being a well oiled machine, you'd lose more weight faster.

There are more doctors that encourages a good water intake than those that don't.
It depends what foods you are taking into your body. Vegetables and fruits also have a high water content and can count towards what is being recommended. Weather, how much exercise you are doing etc, can also play a part.

You can also drown your body in too much water and overwork your kidneys.

Just be balanced and listen to your body. Drink it as you need it and gradually over the day.
"The reason we can survive only a short without water becomes evident when we consider that the body uses water for virtually all it's functions: digestion, absorption, transporting nutrients, building tissue, and maintaining body temperature. Every cell in the body depends on water to carry out it's essential activities. Water in blood plasma (the liquid protein of the blood),as well as water inside the cells themselves and in spaces between the cells , serves as a solvent to transport nutrients to each cell and to remove waste products to the lungs, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, and skin for elimination."

excerpt from "Total Nutrition The Only Guide You'll Ever Need" from The Mount Sinai School Of Medicine, Chapter 10 Delia A. Hammock M.S., R.D.

It's not just for weight loss, healthy folks need the same amount of water. It's a human thing.
If this is a repeat, forgive me. My question is this, is it really necessary to drink lots and lots of water to lose weight? I ask because one of the doctors I assist told me that it is unfounded that you have to drink 8 or more glasses of water to lose weight. It's good for general health she says but in weight loss it doesn't realy help. I assume that this "myth" was to get people off of the sodas and other high calorie drinks. I'm thinking that the thought process is if you drink 8 glassse or more, you will be less likely to drink so many sodas. I'm a true water drinker. I actually like water. Carbonated drinks hurt my throat and I hate them. Non carbonated drinks are so acidic, my tongue feels funny afterwards. The only high calorie drinks I drink is alcohol which is weekends only. I'm cutting down on those DRASTICALLY. Didn't realize I drink all of the calories right back on the weekends. So is there documentation that drinking water helps you lose weight? If so how? I was thinking maybe you burn calories processing it which makes is a negative calorie drink...dunno. If it does help somehow, I will continue to drink my 8 glasses. Sometimes it's sort of hard to get it all in with my work schedule and I want to really make sure I drink all 8 and then some if it helps in weight loss. I'm here to learn, educate me. Let's talk about it...

Actually it's a big NO NO for taking up soda every single day. Water is the best medicine. It is not a myth, it is truth. You must take 8 glasses of water everyday. It also proven that when you take a lot of water you will lose weight.
Actually it's a big NO NO for taking up soda every single day. Water is the best medicine. It is not a myth, it is truth. You must take 8 glasses of water everyday. It also proven that when you take a lot of water you will lose weight.

You like to buy into hearsay and pass it along as fact, don't you?
It is not a myth, it is truth. You must take 8 glasses of water everyday. It also proven that when you take a lot of water you will lose weight.

So basically what you're saying is, someone who weighs 150 lbs. and sits at a desk all day, needs the same amount of water as say someone who weighs 250 lbs. and does physical labor outdoors in warm weather? :confused:
Doc, don't try to understand. The level of knowledgez required to understand such super dooper factual science is far beyond your learning capability.

Just accept it as truth.
I've been a huge diet coke drinker for years 6-8 per day and noticed a big change in weight loss when switching to water. Now I actually get thirsty for water. But I still drink 3-4 diet cokes and gotta get that done to none.
Wow, what a discussion. My thing is yes we definitely need to drink lots of water, we're made up of mostly water. I just wondered if it was myth that it's like a weight loss aid. I think, and this is JUST MY OPINION, if you drink mostly high calorie drinks then changing over to drink mostly water will result in weight loss just because you've replaced the high calorie drinks. The person that drinks mostly 0 calorie drinks such as water won't see as much weight loss so fast. But I'm beginning to rethink that because if you drink more water then maybe, my opinion again, just maybe you'll burn more calories just by processing it. Thanks for all of the responses, I like a good interaction...
oh, in my opinion i think that water doesn't make you to lose weight, it's just an extra thing to help us to reduce weight, if you drink 8 glasses of water a day, you will still gain weight without exercise and diet plan, but the more you drink the better your skin becomes and you will get rid of craving for food, Water is very useful
Actually, very little of your BMR is used for anything to do with water. In it's native state, water is just about ready for use when you drink it. As my wonderful M.S.N. Bride tries to tell me anything other than water shouldn't be counted against your total intake of water. She gets all technical when we discuss how all this works and loses me on this discussion, but I trust her and she's purty darn smart when it comes to this kinda stuff. Something about how your kidneys can't totally process it for bodily use and as such it isn't what the body needs.
Water, an interesting subject...

I love the subject of water.
It always brings so many opinions - from each side.

I wanted to share a personal email from an old boss of mine, Dr. Barone (Renal Transplant Surgeon - UAMS Med. Ctr. - Little Rock, AR) re: water intake and dieting. I had sent him an email asking what WAS the deal with water after all. This was his reply:

"Absolutely, Water, Water, Water... the deal is, if we don't have enough water, our kidneys get over taxed and give some of their work load to the liver, then the liver can't do it's fat metabolizing job to it’s full extent and you slow your fat loss... water is very important."

I believe if you are a person that is custom to drinking water on a normal basis, then drinking it only when you are thirsty works fine.

If you are someone (like I was) that drinks many diet cokes a day and tea, to the omission of water, your ability to feel true thirst is greatly diminished.

My experience when I first started trading tea and coke for water was that the more water I drank, the more I craved. Now I still allow myself the occasional diet coke but I drink many glasses of water a day.

Just had to share!
I love the subject of water.
It always brings so many opinions - from each side.

I wanted to share a personal email from an old boss of mine, Dr. Barone (Renal Transplant Surgeon - UAMS Med. Ctr. - Little Rock, AR) re: water intake and dieting. I had sent him an email asking what WAS the deal with water after all. This was his reply:

"Absolutely, Water, Water, Water... the deal is, if we don't have enough water, our kidneys get over taxed and give some of their work load to the liver, then the liver can't do it's fat metabolizing job to it’s full extent and you slow your fat loss... water is very important."

I believe if you are a person that is custom to drinking water on a normal basis, then drinking it only when you are thirsty works fine.

If you are someone (like I was) that drinks many diet cokes a day and tea, to the omission of water, your ability to feel true thirst is greatly diminished.

My experience when I first started trading tea and coke for water was that the more water I drank, the more I craved. Now I still allow myself the occasional diet coke but I drink many glasses of water a day.

Just had to share!

Wow, thanks for the info. This is what one of the docs I work with was saying. We should drink water for health and that it does not aid in weight loss. I've read lots of articles saying water somehow helps you lose weight. I guess if I drank lots of sodas and then switched to water I guess I would lose weight because of the decrease in sugar. I for one side with the doc I work with, water is good for general health, it's not a weight loss aid...
Hi Sincerest!

Thank you,
I think in reality we do what we can for our health eventually. Sometimes it takes a mind shift from "weight loss" to health.

If someone REALLY hates water, they eventually do what they can, so I always hope to help turn them on to H2O!:D