Water from plastic bottles is bad?


New member
Now I dont know wheather or not anyone has heard, been told or even cares about. But recentley it was posted on the news here that drinking water is somewhat bad for you. I dont have any form of source but its just what was said. I dont know if this is a true statement or false. I honestly believe that its not bad because I'm sure that people have been drinking from plastic bottles for years and years and no harm has come to anyone. From what I have seen. I doubt it would be anything to even worry about. I was just curious.

Also a question that is totally not related to this post. Is a small pizza for lunch or whatever with 389 colories bad. Or good? Lunch time thing. ;)
There is some conflicting information about bottled water health effects. You will have to do some reading and decide for yourself. Personally, I don't worry about it.
Bottled water - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Your 389 calorie pizza is not terribly bad. There are probably some better alternatives.
I don't know if bottled water is bad for you. I know here there are a few commercials about the amount of garbage bottles make. That's the worst I have heard of although if you recycle them I don't know what the deal would be.
When buying plastic look for a label that says "BPA" free. Some of the chemicals used to make plastic are being linked with cancer and various other things and these chemicals can leech out of the plastic over time--not good.
Continually reusing plastic bottles (the flexible kind you get in the grocery store) can cause some chemicals to leech into the water. BPA free plastic bottles are fine.

As far as your pizza, it's impossible to say w/out knowing how it fit into your overall diet for the day. Pizza is probably not the best choice to make - it's usually loaded with fat and sodium, but depending on what you eat the rest of the day, it can be an ok choice.
Yep, it's what Kara says again, it's not so much using the plastic bottle once, but constantly re-using it that there could be a problem. BPA free, or stainless steel bottles are the alternative.

Again with the pizza analogy, depending on your size (meaning a small girl who is trying to lose 15 pounds with consuming 1200 calories a day) wouldn't be able to get her proper macros in while consuming that many calories, but a big guy, who is losing weight at 2000 calories a day, may be able to still get his proper macros, because he has more calories available to budget.
I have heard that heat will cause the plastic to leach into the water.