Watch your Breakfast, Stay away from O/W, Diabetes, Blood Pressure


New member

Did you know our Breakfast is the single most important factor for gaining weight, Diabetes, High blood Pressure etc.

Keep tuned and I will write a full report on how to stay away from Overweight, Diabetes and High Blood Pressure, simply by knowing and understanding more about our Breakfast.

I cant wait....hurry.
:rolls eyes:

Is this going to be like reading tea leaves... like we're going to read breakfast.

Throws some pop tarts in the toaster, makes a big ole batch of pancakes and pours butter and syrup on top, has some muffins on the side and a double portion of sausage and thick cut bacon...

Mmmm breakfast

does abody good :)
information can be so contradicting :toetap05::toetap05:

i await the posters input non the less
No, information is pretty concise if you know where to look for it.

You simply have to be more proactive either finding good resources or finding people who actually know what the F they're talking about.

Easier said than done, yes.

But until you do it and start to get a hang of good vs. bullshit info... I'd read and listen to everything with a huge grain of salt. Especially on the net.

This guy is an idiot.
LOL well put steve