Was this a smart thing to do?

Hey everybody,

I'm currently on a bulk and was doing HIIT 2 times per week to maintain a good cardiovascular condition. I have about 10 more lbs to gain before I hit by goal of 200lbs and (as of 3 weeks ago), I was not meeting my daily quotia of calories because of the HIIT. Actually, I was losing weight and not gaining it like I wanted to. So, I cut the HIIT down to one session per week.

The problem is, I've started to notice it in my fitness. For example, my heart rate almost doubles when I run up a set of stairs and I'll be slightly out of breath at work when I'm carrying stuff around. Added to that, I'm having trouble doing my HIIT session.

Now, I only have another month and a half of bulking but should I add the extra HIIT session back in?

Any help would be great,

Thanks :)
:confused4: why cant you just add more cals to your diet and keep up the hiit or any other form of cardio.
:confused4: why cant you just add more cals to your diet and keep up the hiit or any other form of cardio.

No offense, but how bout you try pounding back 4500 calories in one day. lol.

Thanks, though :)

I am surprised you had a noticeable loss of fitness by going from 2 tob1 weekly hiit session.

Yeah I noticed it, but it could just be a placebo effect. It's just that I feel more tired and out of breath in everything that I do. It's not serious, but I notice it.

Thanks for the help!
one hiit session isnt going to use up that many cals probably 300 to 500 at most depending how much time you do it for.
Its not just the HIIT session but the afterburn effect that it has that is probably the problem

Yes maybe one steady state cardio session for a shorter duration?

Yes, the afterburn is the problem I suspect. I really didn't think it was that big, but obviously I was wrong. No wonder it's recommended so much for fat loss.

If I did one steady cardio session for 30min or so, that wouldn't maintain (or improve) aerobic capacity compared to HIIT, would it?

Thanks for the reply :)
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the after effect of EPOC is vastly exagerated,studies have shown as little as 80cls throughout the day after HIIT,so dont count to much on that.
If climbing stairs is a problem, why not do your HIIT in a stairwell? Hard interval: run upstairs as fast as you can for a minute. Easy interval: go downstairs for a minute. Repeat. (though you may have to sometimes extend the easy interval or take the elevator down if the building is not tall enough)

If cardio endurance at aerobic intensity is a problem, perhaps you may want to include some endurance cardio sessions at aerobic intensity as well.
This sounds like a good idea!