Warrior Diet for 30 days

Part 1:
Bodybuilding.com - Conversation With A Modern-Day Warrior : The Warrior Diet! - Mike Mahler

Part 2:
Bodybuilding.com - Conversation With A Modern-Day Warrior : The Warrior Diet - Part 2! - Mike Mahler

I have always been interested in Intermittent fasting type diet as they are not mainstream but yet have shown results for quite alot of people. The basis behind these programs are that they are more natural for the human body and they don't believe in the broscience about how we can only consume so much protein in 1 session. The body will adapt and become more efficient at absorbing all the nutrients and digesting them all at once. Eating 6-8 meals a day is just not practical for many reasons. No one likes preparing 6-8 meals a day and most people have school or work (sometimes a combination of both) all day that just kills a bodybuilding type of lifestyle. So I decided to give the warrior diet a run for 30 days. The diet has 20 hours of underating during the day followed by 4 hours of overeating at night. I will eat a big meal at 5:00 PM right before my workout and another big meal after my workout.

Each day I will update you guys on:
-energy levels
-pyschological stuff

Each week I will update you guys on

Can't wait to start tommorow. I just got off a week of lifting last week. (I worked out yesterday).

My current stats:

Bench- 200
Squat- 225 for 5 reps
Deadlift- 315
Weight- 189-190
bodyfat- 18-20% ish?
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week 0 pics.

Taken in the aftertoon; I am a little bloated.
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Day 1

This post is for yesterday. I was at the airport all day yesterday so I didn't get a chance until now to post. But so far I'm doing pretty good.

I'm finally home, having been gone for 5 months because of basic and tech school. Feels so good to be home :) But I have no access to weights here. The gym is closed for the holidays where I live but thats fine people get to go home and enjoy family.

So I will be doing bodyweight and a friend of mine has weights so I will be lifting a little bit. Just no deadlifting or squatting or anything like that. As for my diet; don't expect me to be eating healthy during the Christmas break :) How my body handles it using 20 hours of undereating and 4 hours of overeating we will see. All I'm making sure is that I do get the protein I need no matter what I'm eating though.

-None at airport all day. Yesterday was a rest day anyhow.

First plane ride- apple juice
Second plane ride- orange juice
Home- 10 buffalo wings, 5 slices of pizza.

Felt awesome when I got home. Getting home though was stressful.

Energy Levels
Was tired and hungry yesterday. Combination of stressing out at airport. I missed my second flight :/
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Day 2

Gonna workout tommorow. Also eat better during my overeating period. This diet doesn't really matter what you eat; but I wanna get a bit more protein during this part.


191.2 (this is my starting weight now, first post was a guess)

Undereating- Apple
Overeating- Ham/Cheese/Turkey Sandwich, Ice Cream, Sun Chips, Doritoes, 4 Buffalo Wings, 2 bowls speghetti with meat

A little hungry in the morning; not as much as yesterday. Felt really good to eat. Still having "finnally am home" happiness :)

Energy Levels
Really good. I finnally got good sleep.
Day 3

Felt pretty hungry today. Drank a lot of water. I downloaded the warrior diet e-book. When it came time to eat I ate better today then I previously had. And I did a light workout.

-Push ups
-Core work
-Tricep Dips

188.8 (lost a lot of water weight and glycogen I presume)

Undereating- Chicken Leg, drank lots of water
Overeating- Lots of Peanuts, Lots of chicken, Ice Cream, Sun chips, Milk, Apple, Salad

A bit hungry but according to the book I'm not used to dealing with this just yet and I will eventually not feel hungry a week or 2 in.

Energy Levels
Day 4

Getting used to being hungry by keeping my mind on other things. I'm not that hungry anymore tbh. I spent the entire day fixing a whole in my moms wall. Thats here Christmas present. ;) I got pics of it. I'll upload it when I get the chance.

-None; but I did load up some wood on my grandfathers deck but thats nothing.

188.8 (same as yesterday)

Undereating- None
Overeating- Chicken, Sun Chips, Milk, Ice Cream, Cookies

Awesome. I get to nearly binge eat on the overeating phase and not get fat from it. I woke up this morning leaner then yesterday. Today I ate a crap load on the overeating phase and I didn't bloat at all. I think what it is, like the book said, that even though I'm eating a ****ton, even if it is junk, I'm just filling up glycogen stores. And I'm finding that I don't need as much protein either.

But of course this isn't an excuse to eat junk. I just haven't had cooked meals since being home. Tommorow I'm gonna fill up on Milk, Fruit + Vegies, Lasanga, Peanut Butter, and some ham/turkey.

Energy Levels
Awesome today. I'm sleeping a lot better since starting this diet.
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Day 5

Damn messed up.

-None yet. Gonna do some form of exercise though

191.2 (went up)

Undereating- cookies + cinnamin bun :/ fail
Overeating- Chicken, Lasanga, Milk, Fruit, Salad

Guilty because not only did I eat junk, I ate it in the undereating phase. I think I'm actually not eating enough during the overeating phase? I'm gonna have to log calories and stuff a few days while doing this just to make sure I'm eating enough. Can't believe I have gotten off to such a rocky start.

Energy Levels
Awesome as always. You would think junk food would be bad for energy but it hasn't done anything to me.
Was reading the "Warrior Diet" book and decided to write out a little summary of what I have read so I can refer to it.

1.) Undereating: 16-18 hours after your last meal. During this phase you can consume "live": fresh, raw fruits and vegetables and some protein.

Examples: Carrot Juice, Apples, Berries especially

2.) Rules of the overeating phase

-Start with veggies and then move to protein and carbs.

-Stop eating when you feel full or more thirsty then hungry

-Begin with live leafy green vegetables. The greener the better and the denser the better. Starting with mixed green salad is a good choice. (recommend to have fruit after vegetables first)

-Protein comes next. Nuts are really good for burning fat, especially almonds because they contain Lipase (an enzyme that breaks fat)

^^Why the diet is like this: to control insulin. According to the book its better to consume a meal with the lowest glycemic index. The higher the glycemic index is, the more pressure is placed on your body to produce insulin. When veggies are eaten first, followed by protein and fat, the glycemic index of any carb is consumed afterwards is automatically reduced.

Summary of my summary
Undereating Phase-- Berries, Vegetables, Carrot Juice, fruits. Nothing Else

Overeating Phase- Veggies --> Protein and fats--> Low Glycemic Carbs in that order
Day 6

Bounced back and did this right today.

-Will be doing some bodyweight before I go to bed.

193.4 (lots of water weight gain)

Undereating- Mixed salad, Apple + handful of blueberries
Overeating- Mixed Salad, Ham, Pepperjack cheese, Almonds

Felt good to do the diet good today with no junk food at all and doing the way it is suppose to be done. Today was eating like a warrior

Energy Levels
Day 7

Another good day. I even worked out today fasted. I lost my damn camera a few days ago. I gotta find it so I can post some progress pics.

-1 mile jog
-Planks and other core exercises
-1 mile walk
-need to find a way to work legs at least once before this week ends. again I have no access to weights atm.

190.8 (lost the water weight from yesterday. I think I'm lower then this weight as well)

Undereating- Apple + handful of berries
Overeating- Mixed Salad, Ham, Pepperjack cheese, Chicken Wings, Almonds

Getting used to the hunger wasn't hungry until like 5:00 PM (my overeating phase is from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm). Felt good to have another successful day. Pizza hut commercials were killing me though lmao I feel like a drug addict.

Energy Levels
Awesome. I'm waking up now wide awake without having to roll around or anything. I did my workout shortly after I woke up.
Day 8



187.8 (since my diet has been mainly protein and fats at my main meal; I'm dropping a lot of water weight I presume, I'm glad the scale is moving in the direction I want it though lol)

Undereating- Apple + handful of berries
Overeating- Mixed Salad, 4 slices of pizza (2000 calories)

Despite eating bad, I ate something that wasn't sugar driven and I kept the calories controlled (500 under maintenance). Just gonna drink a lot of water to combat the water retention. So I don't feel that guilty to be honest. I was also able to learn from the overeating phase. As soon as I started feeling full; that was when I stopped and reached "satiety" like Ori describes.

Energy Levels
Good...then again I slept till 1:00 PM who wouldn't have good energy levels from that ;)
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Day 9

Energy is a little down today. My sleep is off, I didn't fall asleep until past 4:00 AM :/ so I woke up at 12:00 PM.

-None for now, will edit later. I have been doing a lot of pushups though.

187.8 (same as yesterday)

Undereating- Apple + handful of berries
Overeating- Went to Chijils chili's had a buffalo chicken sandwich, some buffalo wings, fries, coke zero, and half a desert. Did the math online the calories came out to 1810. So I'm good. Another day of controlled overeating.

Awesome. Got away with eating pizza by eating it in the overeating phase and controlling how much of it I ate. Of course this is something I can't do everyday. I took progress pics on my camera but can't find the usb cord to upload them :/ must be back in my dorm...

Energy Levels
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Day 10

Ready to go today. I'm really happy the scale went down again and I have learned some control over the days. Sometimes junk is inevitable (its easier, your out with someone, eating with family, etc) but if you control your calories you will still be succeeding.

Today I looked lean as ever and since week 2 has started I have had Pizza and went to chilis. ;)

-Bodyweight exercises including bodyweight leg exercises

186.4 (lost weight)

Undereating- Handful of berries
Overeating- Salad, buffalo wings, lasanga, small piece of cake, tortilla chips w/cheese (about 2300 calories)

Awesome. I have learned a lot in the short time I have been on this diet.

Energy Levels
Good. Slept a little too much. I gotta start getting up earlier.
Day 11

Day before my birthday :)
Tommorow I'm going back to my tech school in Mississippi. Can't wait to start school up again, get my orders for my first duty station, start weight lifting again. My motivation is 10/10 right now. I'm really gonna start kicking this diet once I get back to base.



Undereating- Handful of berries + Apple
Overeating- Mixed salad, Lasanga, garlic bread, ice cream, cake

Diet and workout have been bad over the holidays. But tommorow I'm going back to where I'm stationed and I can really get this going now that the holidays are over. And start weight lifting again.

Energy Levels
Bad, didn't sleep much
Day 12: no post my birthday

Day 13

Getting 2010 off to an awesome start. This is my year man. Finnally got back on base and everything is gonna go back to normal. Gonna get this going!

-Squats (135x10, 155x8, 175x4)
-Military Press (85x10, 85x8, 65x3, 65x10)
-DB Bench Press (45x10, 45x8)
-Isometric Row (100x10, 100x10)
-DB shrugs supersettted with DB stiff leg deadlift (65x10, 65x10, 65x10)

My workout will be like this:
-Saturday (weights)
-Sunday (HIIT)
-Monday (weights)
-Tuesday (PT + cardio)
-Wednesday (weights)
-Thursday (PT+ cardio)
-Friday (PT + cardio)

I know theres no rest days. But wednesday will most likely be light lifting. Thursday and Friday PT's are not that bad.

-I currently don't have a weight scale on base to check myself in the morning. So I'm either gonna buy one or hell not even look at the scale until I reach my goal

Undereating- Whey Protein in Water post workout
Overeating- Mixed Salad w/ Tuna, some form of meat, (also have buffalo wings and almonds at the dorm)

I'm 10/10 motivated for the new year. The Christmas break with my family, not working out much and pretty much eating whatever I wanted kinda jolted me back up to get going.

Energy Levels
Good, but my sleep habits are messed up. I woke up at 1:00 PM because I was playing fight night round 4 till 4:00 am...
Day 14

2 weeks in. I think I'm gonna do this a lot longer then 30 days though I really like this diet.

To WooT: I'm 6'0

-Did some HIIT cardio this morning. I did a walk/jog/sprint tempo. Did 15/8's of a mile (did 3 laps, each lap is 5/8). Took about 20 minutes so I think I did pretty good ;)

-N/A; man I looked pretty lean this morning.

Undereating- Post workout whey protein in water + apple
Overeating- don't know yet; but will most likely be mixed salad with tuna (if there is any), some form of meat, and then when I get back to my dorm I might have buffalo wings if I'm hungry, but I always eat some almonds.

Feeling great since getting back on base. Cheating is not even in my mind at all because I really don't need it. I am no longer hungry during the under eating phase. I'm even moving back to the old dorms so I can now get there wifi and not have to use the computers at the recreation center like I am now...this posting is a pain in the ass lol. computers are so slow.

Energy Levels
Awesome! I only get 6 hours of sleep and woken up by my drunk roommate and his friend and I felt really good this morning.
Day 15 no post
Day 16 no post
Day 17 no post

Still following the diet; Just been very busy lately.

I started adding diet green tea in the undereating phase.
Day 18- no post

Day 19

No longer updating energy levels. My energy is ALWAYS really good. I have been loving this diet so far.

I am looking the most lean I have ever looked. I haven't even been checking the scale which I think is part of my success but I know for sure I'm under 185 now.

Will post pics at 30 days ending. But I'm sure I'm going to be doing this for a lot longer then that.

Whole week has been busy which hasn't given me time to post or even lift weights for that matter. But I did finnally lift today

Bench Press
135x3, 145x3, 155x3, 165x3, 175x1

135x3, 185x3, 225x3, 250x3, 275x3

Walking Lunges
30 pound dumbbells for 3 sets of 8

Tricep Kickbacks
DB 5lbs for 10 reps, DB 10lbs for 10 reps, DB 15lbs for 10 reps