warning: This q. may be a bit TMI for guys!


New member
....sorry just had to warn you, it's not all bad but we all know what happens at 'that time of the month'.

I used to be very athletic and run in fun runs and 1/2 marathons. I worked out at the gym for 1 1/2 hrs 6 days a week. I kept working out until I was 1 week due for my baby. I will just make it clear now 'it's not the baby's fault, it's mine'. I put on 10 kg over 2 yrs. So I have decided I hate it and want my life back. I have been trying so hard to loose weight but it's coming off soooo slowly. I'm running at a minimum of 45 mins 5-6 days a week and back doing some strength training (not a lot to encourage weight gain). I have been trying to loose weight since new years day, I started at 67.7kg and I am now at 61.8.

Considering I have been eating REALLY healthy, exercisising so much it's really crappy loosing such small amounts. I should have been loosing about 1kg per week, I didn't think that was too much to ask. So..about this question, last Friday I was 62.1 and a few days later it was 'that time of the month' and now it's weigh in day again being Friday and I'm 61.8. :banghead:

So should it make that much of a difference at that time? Do you think my weight loss is too slow? And one more thing...do metabolize boosters really work?

Thanks for all your answers! :)
I'm not really sure what's TMI about this post ... :)

Most women will experience weight fluctuations that are hormonally related. Some women gain weight around ovulation, some gain around the time their periods start, some actually retain water during or even AFTER their periods. That's one of the reasons that you can't get all freaked out by scale weight on a daily basis. It's the long term that works.

As far as your expectations -I think you might need to readjust. :)

If you're losing weight at a healthy and safe rate, you can estimate losing about 1% of your bodyweight per week. For you, starting at 67kg, losing about .7kg per week is reasonable. As your weight drops, you'll lose more slowly.

Given that it's only 8 weeks from the new year and you've lost about 6kg, you're actually ahead of the curve for a safe and reasonable amount of weight to lose.
thanks Kara I'm pretty hard on myself it got me where I was before otherwise I might find myself making excuses. I actually thought I was burning/loosing weight too slow - I still do but if you have factual information then I'm happy to go along with it.

I suppose it's hard when I work out so hard and eat so well without cheating then loosing minimal weight that's all :)

Not just that but diets like Jenny Craig and Weight Watches aren't as strict on their diet/exercises and a lot of people loose 1kg + each week.
Not just that but diets like Jenny Craig and Weight Watches aren't as strict on their diet/exercises and a lot of people loose 1kg + each week.
I'm not sure where you're getting that information. :) Jenny Craig is EXTREMELY strict on their diet (you have to eat their food). And WW also requires people to stick to their points in order to see success.

But beyond that, there are two points to make here.

1 - Sure some people lose 1kg a week. That goes back to the whole 1% thing. When I weighed 113kg (250lbs), I was easily losing 1kg - 1.5kg per week. Again, that's about 1% of my weight. Now that I weigh 76kg, I'm losing less than 1kg per week on average.

2 - The results that those companies publish are going to be the dramatic ones. Everyone wants to hear about the people who drop 10kg in 2 months or something like that. But you don't often hear about the people who slowly and steadily lose weight. Jenny Craig and WW and all the other companies are going to publish the dramatic results - the 140kg person who lost half her weight in 6 months, etc. That's what motivates people. The 70kg person who took 3 weeks to lose 2kg is not nearly as interesting or as motivational. But it's still weight lost.
....sorry just had to warn you, it's not all bad but we all know what happens at 'that time of the month'.

Yeah, I know what happens at "that time of the month". The bills pile up, the mortgage is due, the car payment needs to be made, my Cat Fancy magazines arrive, the toilets need to be scru...




...what? That's not what...but I thought....oh...oooooh...OH!!! You meant THAT time of the month...with the...and the...





I tend to retain 4-5 lbs of water weight about 5-7 days before my period. Didn't always used to, but after the birth of my baby, this is the norm. MY weight rebounds after that though, so I now know with the timing as well as the rebound, I don't worry about suddenly gaining 5 lbs nearly overnight.

Don't be so hard on yourself- I have a 19 month old daughter and I'm losing weight slowly, but I know I'm doing it the right way. I lose about .5-1.5 lbs a week when I'm in the groove and doing everything right. There are weeks that I do great and other weeks where I fall off the wagon completely. Life happens, but I'm in this for the long haul and that is why not losing big numbers doesn't bother me. The only "must-by" date I've given myself is to be at my goal weight by the time we move back to the US in June. I better get cracking again!!!

Don't beat yourself up with expectations- just continue on your path and let each pound that drops be a cause for celebration.
I don't even like to weigh myself around that time (but that doesn't mean I don't, LoL). I just never feel like I'm getting an accurate result. But I usually see the weight come back off right after, and then I feel better about sticking with my diet during that time instead of munching down on some ice cream.
Everyone is a little different so just start paying attention to how your body acts then and it won't be so much of a surprise in months to come.