WARNING: Killer burger on the loose....


New member
Oh WOWZERZ folks! I had one of Tyler's new menu items at Applebees tonight! *ahem* Be forewarned that this is NOT in the diet section of the menu :rolleyes: *ahem*

If you like herbs and yummy cheeses, you might just want to spend your 'splurge' meal on this one! I was famished and couldn't eat the whole meal, so you may even want to split this burger & fries with a friend...

Check out the Bruschetta Burger with Parmesan garlic fries dinner!!!

This is not for the faint of heart! ;)
looks pretty dangerous! But oh so yummy. Thanks for the added temptation Bep lol, the next time I'm in the city and pass be applebees I might cause a multicar pile up :D
LOL! Sorry folks! Didn't mean to cause any car accidents! But...I am in complete belief that every now and then you have to have something like this. If you don't, you probably won't know how to maintain your weight once you hit goal. This is definitely NOT an everyday kind of meal, but OOOOOOH so yummy!
I completely agree Bep! Cheating once a week is actually good for you. It tells your body "Yahoo, real food!" Your body is tricked into thinking you're off the diet and forgets all about saving calories for later. It's also a very nice treat!
DAMN! That looks good...you know that was wrong right? :p

...OHD makes mental note to order take out from Applebees this week.
looks delicious.