Warning about ATM skimming


New member
I didn't know this type of scam existed. Now I do. Keep your eyes open, I guess. For more info, google it. I hope this information is useful.

To help readers better protect themselves from thieves who want to swipe their sensitive debit card information, we've shared pictures in the past of how to spot skimming devices on ATMs.

Skimmers applied to card readers (think fake card readers on top of the real ones) are designed to capture debit card magnetic stripe data, while tiny wireless cameras or overlays to existing personal identification number pads are designed to capture PIN information. Once thieves capture such data, they can use it to make fake cards or sell the information on the Internet to others.

Besides learning what skimming devices look like, consumers can also employ other strategies to spot the devices, according to John Pearce, director of commercial marketing for banking-financial and government systems at the security company ADT, which sells anti-skimming technology. He recently shared the following strategies with us.

I looked online for pictures of these, and PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, go have a look at these devices. They look very professional, like they are part of the ATM, and you wouldn't be able tell what's going on unless you know what to look for.
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Where have you been? This scam has been around for a few years. This is just one of the many types of scams out there. Did you know there are devices out there that can capture all your information when you swipe you card in a store. Some of there readers can even read your cards that are sitting in your wallet without you ever taking them out. There is also what's called 'War driving' some one just sits outside a store with a laptop and captures all the information off the stores computer. This is very easy to do because many stores don't have properly secured internet. Many of the stores know about it but don't want to pay the money to be secure enough. There are so many scams out there. Today we must be very careful with our personal information. Just start looking up scams on the internet.
You should start reading about protecting your identity. You don't have to pay any company for identity protection you can learn about how to do this yourself for free. There are several things you can do to reduce the chances of your being ripped off or your identity stolen. It takes a little work on your part but if someone steals your identity it can make your life hell.
You should start reading about protecting your identity. You don't have to pay any company for identity protection you can learn about how to do this yourself for free. There are several things you can do to reduce the chances of your being ripped off or your identity stolen. It takes a little work on your part but if someone steals your identity it can make your life hell.
Yeah, I know.... I'm actually really careful about not giving out my info.
I guess I figured I knew it all, but of course, I stopped keeping up with the newer scams.
Anybody that steals my debit card info is going to be pissed when they try to use it.

38 cents? WTF :smilielol5:
That's why you don't get magnetic strip cards over here anymore - it's all chips. More secure.

Best way to stop peeps from stealing money is not having any though. That's why I don't need to worry. *lol*