Sport Want to Get Tonned!!! Help

Sport Fitness
Hey guys, at the moment I'm pretty much a slim build and want to tone up, mainly upper body.

I'm a student living in catered halls, so dont really have agreat deal of choice to what i eat, so is there any suplpiments (protein shakes etc) out there that can help me? There's probably been many simular posts, so if you could redirect me to save you time that would be great.

Also, what weight should I start on of different machines? And how many reps/trials? (eg, start with free weights of around 8kg (i dunno whether that is heavy or light!), do 15 reps then break for 2 mins, repeat this 4 times so you total with 60 reps on each arm) that was just off of the top of my head, oh shoulders do...)

If anyone could help id really appreciate it!!

Cheers peeps!!

1. use the search button
2. 'toning' is a process of shedding fat to show existing muscle
3. machines are of little use to the serious trainee
Okay!! I dont need to get toned then, as there is no fat on my body what so ever. So what shall I do? Try to put the weight on first then build muscle?

Or just start eating te right foods/suppliments and start training right away?

What do you mean machines are useless? Do you mean the weightlifitng machines? Or rowing machines etc? I dont plan on going to the gym to get fit, just bulk up a bit.

Thanks for your reply guys!!!!

Any help would be great!

You should put on weight BY building muscle, not one then the other. Check your diet, make sure you're getting enough calories and lean protein. Consider getting a good whey protein (I use Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey). Any other sups can be added later if they're needed.

As far as muscle building workouts are concerned, you want start in the 8-12 rep range, with 3-5 sets. Eventually you may want to consider doing more or less reps/sets based on your results. (my current program ranges from 3 reps to 25 reps! :eek:)