Want to bulk up and loose fat...

Hi everyone,

I'm 14 years old and since March I have lost a lot of weight, went from 121lbs to around 105.... I am also 5ft 4in...I can see that I have lost some fat around my legs and face, but my stomach I haven't lost too much, and this is the area I really wanted to loose fat....Also I'm worried I lost muscle because before March I could max out at 120 and now I can only get to 100-105.

I really don't train too hard, basically all I work on are abs(straight leg crunches,v ups,bicycles,torso twists) and do around 200 push-ups a day. But I really want to gain mass and tone other parts of my body.

Also I was wondering if I should start taking protein, will it help? And how should I eat?

Right now I basically eat whenever I'm hungry. I don't eat junk food though. Mainly I eat bananas,eggs, pastas, a lot of rice, and I eat meat everyday.

Also has anyone heard of backwards training, like instead of 3 sets of 10 do 10 sets of 3 with the most you can lift? is it effective?

Thanks for your help guys.
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Working out is a whole body experience.

You must choose from these objectives:
Loose Weight
Gain Muscle Mass
Use a zig-zag approach...But I recommend using one of the first two.

-Workout your whole body equally, don't concentrate on a single muscle group.
-Don't go on "special" workout routines that have been picked up from gospel, like this 10x3 thing you have mentioned.
-Eat clean foods, include a portion of lean meat in ALL meals. I also like to suggest 1-2 servings of veggies in each meal.
-Educate yourself in proper nutrition and proper calorie intake.
-Educate yourself in proper form and execution of exercises
-See a doctor before you start to workout.
-Check everything that has been told to you on the internet with a REAL trainer/professional, although a lot of people on this site are very knowledgeable, I beleive in checking the accuracy of everything that is told to me with a reliable source (especially when talking about health).
-Go to a gym, if money and schedule permits it.
-Be consistent.
-Make a commitment to your well being and keep that commitment until you die.

Oh and - Welcome to the site man!


Thanks for the reply,

For my fat loss, I will start to run more often, probably a mile on workout days and 2 on off days. Is that ok?

Also I was wondering is it better to work out one muscle group each day and then rest for a day or two, or do a full body workout every other day?
No problem!

Cardio seems a little short...but what I would do is do a FBW and then do interval cardio for 20-30 mins afterwards. I would do both the FBW and cardio every other day, but this is MY preference, feel free to adjust according to your needs and wants :D

Keep rep ranges in the 15-20 to avoid muscle tear as that will build up mass and weight. (which you don't want if you goal is fat loss).

No problem!

Cardio seems a little short...but what I would do is do a FBW and then do interval cardio for 20-30 mins afterwards. I would do both the FBW and cardio every other day, but this is MY preference, feel free to adjust according to your needs and wants :D

Keep rep ranges in the 15-20 to avoid muscle tear as that will build up mass and weight. (which you don't want if you goal is fat loss).


Eric are you saying that ALL muscle groups should get the 15 to 20 rep range? Could you explain? Or define what you mean here, my friend? If this is the case, this isnt true.

Best wishes

No, not should.

If he wants to lose maximal fat and not gain any sort of mass, generally, 15+ reps will not induce muscular mass gain, there is nothing wrong with adding a little muscle, but if he wants to TOTALLY and COMPLETELY focus on weight loss, he should concentrate on high reps and low weight, using "15-20" are just examples, maybe I could have been clearer? :p

This is straight from the book.

Also, 15-20 will of course tear muscles, just like any exercise will, but to such a low extent that its not worth mentioning.

Doing low reps with heavy weights recruits more muscles fibers.

High reps with low weight recruits much MUCH less, therefore minimal tear occurs.

This is what I am actually doing right now with my journal thingy, I am keeping everything in the 15+ rep range to see how it goes.

Also!...lol...Some exercises that recruit more than one muscle might not cause tear in one specific muscle while inducing it in others...I could break all this crap down but I want to keep it simple for our fellow here.


I dont agree with you, Eric, that if one is focusing "totally and completely" on weight loss that "blanketing a rep range" of 15 to 20 on major muscle groups (except for core work), is the optimal method.

Personally, I never used 15 to 20 reps for any muscle group when weight training--while my focus was on fat loss. With the exception of core work.

IMO, the attempt should be to optimize one's muscle growing potential (while under a calorie deficit, because of the continual state of canabolism, which brings a suboptimal environment to begin with) , and rep ranges (especially per person) can vary, but is generally UNDER what you are stating for major muscle groups (except the core, of course).

With this said, some can respond (growth wise) to a high rep range (15 to 20) on the legs with some squat programs, so it doesnt necessarily rule out that it is possible. But, I "would not recommend" one (assuming a healthy person and no problems), do 15 to 20 reps on the bench press, for example, EVEN IF the focus was on fat loss.

It is an absolute myth to think higer reps tones the muscle. Building the muscle under a properly constructed routine, following generally accepted "base" guidelines, and reducing body fat will reveal the shape and appearance of the muscle under the skin once BF is reduced, and this will give a toned appearance (accepting things as equal).

Dependent on the new person's starting position and health........I would not recommend a 15 to 20 rep scheme during "weight training". WE WANT to encourage muscle fiber recruitment, and one experiments with certain rep ranges, and find one that works for them.

Best wishes

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Personally, I never used 15 to 20 reps for any muscle group when weight training--while my focus was on fat loss. With the exception of core work.

Have you tried it though? ...just curious. Results?

Anyhow, do you beleive a rep range of 15-20 will still allow catabolism to take over the muscles with a deficit? If it's the case, I need to check this....

Eric, why are you advising people NOT to build muscle when losing fat?

Unless your training for endurance, you should never go in the 15-20 rep range.
I must be honest to everyone including myself - the whole concept of being healthy is promoting the whole body, including the muscles. Therefore encouraging muscles growth.

My errors keep stalking me. Someone shoot me out of my incompetence....lol.



Good day everyone.
Ok I am a little confused.

Basically I want to loose belly fat, BUT gain muscle mass at the same time.


I should find a range of reps that I'm comfortable with? and stick with them?

Also as far as protein goes, I should be taking 1g to every lb right?
Ok so I did some research and found this for a total body workout.

Bench Press
3 sets
8-10 reps


Lying Barbell Extension


Leg Curl


Military Press

Barbell Shrugs

Wrist Curl

Dumbbell Curl
12 Each Arm

and then do HITT after, and 30 mins cardio on off days.is this ok?
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Ok so I did some research and found this for a total body workout.

Bench Press
3 sets
8-10 reps


Lying Barbell Extension Get rid of this, if you still want to do it. add it to the END of workout.


Leg Curl This is a so-so, its not required. But I guess it couldn't hurt. Leg curling is gay though


Military Press

Barbell Shrugs

Wrist Curl Get rid of this.

Dumbbell Curl
12 Each Arm

and then do HITT after, and 30 mins cardio on off days.is this ok?

I edited my comments in your quite.

1. Add in Deadlifts. Alternate Squats and deadlifts. Do heavy deadlifts one day, and squats the next.

2. Don't limit yourself to a certain rep range. Change the reps around, and if your using to doing military presses in the 8-10 range, go a little heavier and do less reps. Main point is just to switch the reps around for each exercise. Go moderate one day, heavy the next, etc.

3. Add in some chin ups or pull ups.

4. 2 words: Weighted Dips. ( if your good enough to do 3-4 sets of unweighted dips with 15 reps. )
Wow well I just did the workout today minus the pullups since i don't have a bar and wow i really felt it. Thanks for all the suggestions phate.
Well. This is something you should be doing only 3-4x a week.

So you could it like : M / W / F or T / Th / Sat

1 day on, 2 days off. If you really feel like 3 times a week isn't enough, you can throw in a 4th workout sometime in the week.