Wanna Get bigger… should I take protein powder?

I would want to gain weigh and fast! I been gaining at a very slow pace so far, and would like to increase that. I believe taking protein powder will help me. It does not have to be powder, anything that is safe.

I really hate the taste of protein powder. Is there a way to take it without having to deal with the taste? Put it in juice or something?

Also I am from Montreal Canada, so where can I get these powders? I am a student, and my income is very limited.

One more thing: Are there any negative side effects of consuming these powders?
I don't know what protein powder you've used in the past, but I think ON's whey is pretty good.

Mix it in milk, not water.

Add enough gatorade or dextrose/maltodextrin to make it a 2:1 - 4:1 ratio of carbs to protein.

Also, you might consider creatine.

And eat your vegetables.
no side effects with protein powder, unless u suck down a 5lb jug in one day. Anywho protein powder wont really help u gain weight, being as u can get ur protien from foods, its just a diet supplement in case u dont get enough protein in ur day.

If ur trying to bulk, u gotta start eating more. Add 500 calories too ur current diet, and u should be gaining 2 lbs a week. Eating good foods of course, High protein/low fat foods. Lean meats, turkey, chicken , ham, oatmeal, penut butter, fish, tuna, eggs, etc..... and work that in with standard 3 day workout split routine, and u should be all set.
yeah, 500cals is pretty close to a typical meal when you're eating 5-6 times a day.

Optimum Nutrition protein tastes good. so does nitrean from (i think its the best tasting protein on the market).

I've had some really, really aweful protein powders in the 15 years I've taken them. ON and Nitrean are def. good.