Wanna be runner..with injury

I’m sure this question has been asked before but I can’t find anything from searching, so bear with me if it’s a repeat.

I broke my hip a few years ago, and recently I have started walking about 7km 5 times a week.

I would like to start running ASAP, but I am so out of shape I get winded easily. I find I can jog for about ½ mile then I get tired and I just walk till I am back in breath and then I jog again. Is this beneficial? Or is there something else I could be doing which would be better?

I am jogging on gravel country back roads, right now by the way.

Is there a trick or some tips you can provide me to aid my endurance level?

Would running on a treadmill be better to prevent my hip from hurting?

Thanks! =)

You shouldn't even concentrate on the distance that you run at first. Just start jogging at a medium speed and set a time of 10 minutes or 15 minutes. Increase that every week by 5 or 10 minutes or when you feel comfortable with it and after awhile your endurance will gradually increase. Once you get to around 30 minutes, increase your speed, but allow enough time to get used to the time lengths and make sure to set rest days in between the running days.
from what i hear tredmills arent to good for the bones anyway so.... id stick to the roads and do what you can you'll soon be back in shape
I'm actually in a similar predicament; following several foot surgeries, I've been trying to get in shape again, which includes running. I started off about the same as you, could run maybe a half mile--actually, less than that--before my heart felt like it'd blow up.

Here's what I did. Before I even started running regularly, I concentrated on doing cardio workouts at the gym to build up my stamina. I started on an exercise bike, and after about a week moved up to an eliptical machine. I did cardio almost every day for about 2.5-3 weeks, and then tried running. Started running once a week, then twice a week, and at this point I'm running somewhere between twice and three times a week. It's only been about 7 weeks, and I can, at this point, run a little over a mile before I have to stop.

Typically when I run, I jog for about as long as I can right off the bat, then walk once I get exhausted, for maybe a tenth of a mile, then run again for as long as I'm able, then walk again... rinse and repeat. It might help, also, if you found a place you want to run (ie, a park, a backroad, etc) that is a few miles in distance; you can set a long-term goal to be able to run it in one shot, and little by little, progress towards that goal.

Hope that helps. Good luck!