walking for weight loss routine


New member
Rising early in the morning sure sounds easy but if you were, go ask some one who is following this routine for years. the point is when you have been following the same timetable for a while, in many cases people instead of getting well with it gets bored and stop doing it. so if you find your workout routine hard to maintain than you better add some fun into it as wasting a few minutes is a lot better than skipping a whole session.
i have always tried walking for weight loss, as it is much beneficial, it reduces the weight naturally.
I try to convince myself to walk everyday, but I'm a nurse and I do so much during the day that I ache so bad when I get home, all I wont to do is sit =/
I guess that it all depends on the person and the motivation.
I tried to go to morning runs, but it was hell. I would push myself out of the bed really early "so that I am done with it and I will be energized to start my day". So I have read in many places, morging work outs give you the extra energy to go through the day.
Nothing could be more wrong for me.
It worked for the first 3 days maybe, then I found myself totally broken after the morning runs. I just felt too tired to do anything else and I could not wait to get in bed again. I switched to evening runs and they works much better for me. It's the way I "end" my day or let's say that after it I can relax and dedicate to myself. No work, no university stuff. Just some nice movies or books, a nice shower and warm tea.
Now it's been almost 1 mouth of this routine and it is still working for me. Hope it continues like that also in the future.