I guess that it all depends on the person and the motivation.
I tried to go to morning runs, but it was hell. I would push myself out of the bed really early "so that I am done with it and I will be energized to start my day". So I have read in many places, morging work outs give you the extra energy to go through the day.
Nothing could be more wrong for me.
It worked for the first 3 days maybe, then I found myself totally broken after the morning runs. I just felt too tired to do anything else and I could not wait to get in bed again. I switched to evening runs and they works much better for me. It's the way I "end" my day or let's say that after it I can relax and dedicate to myself. No work, no university stuff. Just some nice movies or books, a nice shower and warm tea.
Now it's been almost 1 mouth of this routine and it is still working for me. Hope it continues like that also in the future.