Sport Waking up late and eating?

Sport Fitness
I seem to always wake up late (Between 130am and 530am) and have that "starving" feeling like I can and sometimes do eat anything and everything I lay my eyes whether its a bag of chips, a handful of cookies, a handful of candy, whatever I find that fills that need. Before I go to bed I tell myself when I wake up to drink a glass of water but 4 out of 5 times it just doesnt cure or help it or I cant control but to eat.

What should I do about this? Is this common or curable?
what are you eating for you last meal of the day and what time are you eating it? the idea is to have a good meal before bed that will sustain you through the night so you dont have this happen
Yeah posting your regular diet might be the key to this. Also if the bad stuff isn't in the house, you might grab for veggies or fruit;) Its hard to do a pantry raid and toss but if your serios about weight loss it must be done.
i dont really have a scheduled diet...I typically eat...

breakfast - bowl of whoe grain cereals

snack - special k bar

lunch - salad w/ egg and cheese mixed in

dinner - a healthy tv dinner (southbeach diet, healthy choice, lean cousine)

then strawberrys (i love them!) between bed and dinner

its not the same everyday but typically its something like this. Ive been motivated to lose weight for the past few months which got me on this diet but vacation got me motivated for toning,
your not eating enough and your are getting like no protein.

You can't have toned anything without low Body Fat and a good diet and workout plan. I know you want to get in shape fast, and in 4 weeks yeah you could get a little tone and knock of some body fat but you have to decide if you want something more than that, if your in for the long haul. 4 weeks is not enough time for any drastic change, but it is enough time to get your started in the right direction. The key is first getting your diet in shape.

Eat 5-6 meals a day each meal with 1 protein and 1 carb (protein should be lean meats,protein shakes,) Carbs should be no white anything, whole grains, veggies, fruits. Those packages dinners aren't very good for you, switch out the cereal with oatmeal or at least get a better cereal like the kashi go leans, Back to nature, Flax plus, something like that. Also water, lots of it. If you aren't peeing alot, your not drinking enough;)

Do 5 day cardio, I personally like HITT (there is a whole section here in the forum on that) but if not to a 30-40 min routine to start with of Low intensity. Start a 3 day a week full body strength train, give at least a day between strength training to rest for muscle recovery.

There is lots of info around here to get to the details of this but this is the gist. You have to eat to loss fat. You have to work to lose fat.
just to back up theleip...yes, you're not eating enough in general...not enough protein for sure.

clean up the diet, and you'll find you actually can eat more whole, unprocessed food, which leaves you feeling much fuller, than if you load up on highly processed foods that are loaded with fat and simple carbs.
Well snacking in general should be kept to a minimun because if your eating 5-6 meals then you really don't need to many snacks. So do the best you can to pack meals to take to work. A cooler and a microwave is all you need;)

However here are some good snacks or you can combine some to make what i call snack meals.

-1/2 cup almonds
-non fat yogurt with lil bit of fruit
-natraul peanut butter on an apple
-Protein shakes
-Orange (navel medium) with a cup of green tea
-Carrots with low/non fat cottage cheese
-Instant oatmel plain (you can add you on cinnomon or natty peanut butter whatever to flavor but no sugar:)

These are just some ideas. And see you can take a have a shake with the instant oatmeal and thats a meal. You can have the almonds with the nonfat yogurt with fat yogurt and fruit. This kind of thing.
alright sounds good. But the bad thing is I cant guarentee i can lift or work out everyday so some of this protine could not get worked off.

Anyway besides that, how about protein shakes, do they make just regular shakes already made that you can buy or do you have to add your own stuff?
not sure if this is 100% related to the thread or tur problem but it definalty interestin and talks about eating in the middle of the night as a positive thing