Sport Vitamins and fruit... (two different topcs)

Sport Fitness
What type of vitamines are good to take? Right now I take a general multi-vit, calcium with Vit D, and Vit C everyday. My mom says I should add vit E, a lady at work says I should take Calcium with magnesium, at this point I have no idea what I should and shouldnt take. I already eat pretty healthy, I seem to get 1-2 servings of milk and veggies a day, plus protein. I eat a lot of seafood also. I'm going to an Endocrinologist in April, will he be able to help me with what I should take? My regular physician says that I'm taking enough already just with the multi-vitamin.

My fruit question is this. I can't eat fruit, it upsets my stomach, even just one serving. I can sometimes handle a small glass of fruit juice but only apple and grape. Any suggestions on what I can do? My Drs don't have any, they just say that's the way my body is. But I thought your body is supposed to be able to handle natural foods.

Thanks :)
I take a multi-vitamin. Most doctors say if you eat healthy, that's enough. My multi-vitamin has everything but calcium, so if yours is the same way and you don't get 3-4 servings of dairy, you might want to consider a calcium supplement. You could even just take it on days that you need it. You friend is right about getting a calcium supplement with magnesium- the magnesium helps your body to absorb and use the calcium properly.
Have you ever tried taking digestive enzymes? They may be able to help you properly digest the fruit and not feel sick from it.

If you can't eat fruit, I highly recommend taking an antioxidant. Antioxidants are SO important for our health. Fruit is a wonderful source of antioxdants. They're also found in other foods, but without fruit taking a supplement is a real good idea.

A regular muti vit is fine in my opinion.

I see that you have a complicated situation. In most cases when you consume natural food there wouldn't suppose to be any side effect. Maybe you have some kind of food alergy?!?. I really don't know what to say.Anyway here is a link that i would like to share with you,it's has interesting informations about Vitamins and fruits as well:

Hope I helped you

best regards