Vitamin, Flax, whey, creatine

When, in your opinion, is the best time to take the common supplements? I am starting the winter gym bender since it is too cold for me to get some good mileage running. Not sure if it matters on the flax/multi, and know to take protein post workout, but what is the best for creatine?

I've read where pre workouts will give a little boost, and for me that may be better simply because about 40 minutes in, I can tell i start dropping off in energy real quick.

Stats - 6'2 195, 27yo male. Not sure body fat.
I seriously doubt creatine will give you a higher boost if you take it just before your workout or if you just take it at a random time. If I were you I'd stick it in my PWO shake along with the protein and carbs. The carbs should help your body absorb the creatine.
totally agree with Karky. creatine supplements are about increasing baseline levels, and maintaining those levels. it has to be converted by the body too, so post workout makes themost sense for several reasons.

1. it takes a few hours for creatine to get converted and into the cells
2. your workout just depleated some creatine, so PWO is when it needs refueling
Haha, I take creatine both before and after but only in 3 mg dose (half scoop). It might be mental but I don't think so but I can FEEL the difference when I am on creatine and not. I agree with taking it post for replenish and developement. Additionally, I can feel the difference btw creatine monohydrate and estyl. On creatine, I workout longer and faster with less downtime between sets. With that said, I do not use that much creatine as I like to use it only to kick start my system and not be dependent on any supplement.
As for the whey, make sure to always take it within 30 minutes of finishing lifting.