Virtual Model


New member
Okay... if you are like me you probably wonder what you will look like when you get to your goal weight! Well, my friend Leslie (Journeytobutterf) showed me this website... It's so cool!! You can make a virtual model of yourself and then make one of you at your goal weight!!! It's so motivational!! Enjoy it!!
eeeeee,:rolleyes: that is pretty cool!!!
isnt that site cool - many many many people at sparkpeople have some variation of themselves as their avatar.. it's really motivating... and there's a bunch of different manufacturers that you can really find one that looks like you - the prevention magazine one didn't have the right body shape - but the levi one did... :D Can't wait til i actually look like the after :D
me and my sister used that site to build our poster board for our tops rally thats comming up in november we started with the heavest and working the weight down till got to the ideal weight it is very cool
I had never seen this site before but was really motivated by what my after picture looked like!
I first found this site a few years ago thru an ad in glamour magazine.. and lands end has had it as part of thier site for a while - as well as a few other vendors as a virtual changing room.. that you can see what clothes will look like on your body type.. kinda cool for on line shopping - but was a real bear on dial-up... it really seems to have taken off for weight loss motivation though... it's a neat concept.
I didn't realize how big of a difference the loss would be, I mean I know I would lose, but it's nice to see a before and after before the fact.
Thanks for sharing this site!

I tried to attach the before and after model pics but it's too large, I'll have to edit it later.
Motivator For All

Hey I have a fun little website that can help motivate all of us trying to lose weight, it's called my virtual model, and I've seen actual pictures of real people who have lost weight and it's pretty accurate, once you sign up then click on "Go Shopping" on top of screen and then scroll down to the "Weight Simulators", try the Prevention simulator, it seems to be the best since you can try on swimsuits on your virtual model, they're a lot of fun!!!, I've posted my NOW virtual model and my goal model:
Welcome and GL I was wondering where to find those I see people use them all the time,TY for sharing Tammy