very odd and vivid dreams

i have not always been a person to be super healthy as i have suffered with food issues.

i have really noticed lately that the healthier and fitter i am becoming, my dreams are getting more and more vivid and weird, i wake up disturbed quite alot. at my most unhealthy periods i didnt always remember dreams and if so only snippets here and there .. but i am remembering whole long dreams and every little detail, they seem so real aswell. i had a very very odd dream about my local off licence the other day and i feel funny walking past it now even though i know it was only a dream.

has anyone else experienced this? or am i just a weirdo ha ha :jump1:
Dreams are sort of ways our mind reminds us of stuff. They tell us something that we don't directly admit to ourselves. For example, the dream about your "local off license" (I'm sorry I don't know what it means) could be a suggestion that it was a period of your life where you had certain thoughts or maybe it was something that reminds you of the past (whether good or bad).

In whatever the case, if you are having the same dream over and over again, you might want to share it with someone. It could be telling you something. Perhaps you need to let go of something, or perhaps it's a look into the future that you want (or don't want).
hmmm could be. but is it normal for dreams to become more vivid the more healthy your body becomes?? oh and other thing, i keep havin dreams that people i know have died... had a dream that my boyfriend died the other day and i had to ring his mum and explain to her that he was dead.
My dreams are always vivid and I always remember them. I had a dream last night that an earthquake wiped out the entire state of Michigan. LOL

Probably would be better off totally decimated then we are now.
Well you are in a transition in your life. You're moving from being "unhealthy" to "healthy" however you define it.

So perhaps you are letting go of your past. By your boyfriend being dead, perhaps it suggests that you are perpared to "let go" of your past ways. By you telling his mom about his death, suggests that you are prepared to tell everyone that you are letting your past ways go. By using a phone to call his mom suggests that perhaps you are a little shy on directly telling people so you feel more comfortable telling people in private about your changes.
lol about the earthquake dream, i bet that wasnt nice.

and very clever about the death dreams... are u a dreams analiser (however u spell it) or something???
A lot of sub-conscience thoughts and emotions pour into dreams...dreams for me are a way of learning about myself...things you won't admit to yourself most of the time can become clear in dreams...things like what you want or whatnot.

I think your mind and body is trying to tell you something...I guess you just need to interpret it as best as you can and try to figure out what exactly is the meaning of the dream.

I'm not sure if it's normal...I know that the physiological changes that occur in ones body can be pretty extensive when you workout regularly so I guess it's possible.
For some reason, i only dream when i've had a bad day.

For the past couple months I haven't remembered one dream, most likely because i've been enjoying myself because its summer

but if i am stressed out, i usually have a real nice dream.
I have the wierdest dreams and often have issues with acting out the dream in real life for instance. I was having a dream that a wall was falling over and according to my partner I rolled her off the bed and told he to get out of the way because the wall was falling down. This whole time I was pushing against the wall with my feet like a leg press.

I have also been known to lay flat on my back and put my hand straight up in the air and yell GOAL!
The coolest dreams I have is when I am falling off a sky scraper and the ground keeps getting closer and closer and then BAM i wake up.
I generally have vivid or profound dreams when I'm going through a lot of change in my life. It could be that your new found interest in fitness and taking care of your body is bringing up some other emotions that have been pushed into your subconscious. I'm not into interpreting dreams for other people, you have to interpret them yourself since it's your subconscious. You're probably dealing with some new emotions that you haven't had to deal with since getting into a healthy lifestyle.

Getting in shape and taking care of yourself is about more than just exercise and fitness. Listen to whatever your new vivid dreams are telling you. Seek out the positive and try to tone down the negatives. Sometimes when we go through a great change in our lives, we are presented with many opportunities to learn important things about ourselves. Be open to these dreams. See what you can learn.
Dreams can be really, really intense. I should know because I've suffered from sleep paralysis for the past few years. I've not sure if anyone here is familiar with sleep paralysis, but it pretty much means that you're in a state of being half awake and half asleep and you can't move a single muscle in your body no matter how hard you try. You kind of have to experience it yourself to understand it, but I can tell you it's pretty damn freaky. Sometimes I don't have an episode for months, and sometimes I can have two in one night. I find it happens a lot when I sleep on my back for some reason. Oh, and I don't subscribe to the idea that dreams are meaningful, at least most of them aren't. Most of the time they're just totally random and off the wall and mean absolutely nothing.
No one knows why we dream. Dream interpretations are kind of fun to read, but are a waste of time. Look up lucid dreaming. If you can control your dreams, you can do whatever you want and will be disturbed less.
everyone dreams about 4/5 times a night. Depending on whether you wake up during your dream will determine whether you remember your dream.

My guess to party girl is that maybe you health habits are allowing you to sleep a little longer, or maybe your REM (period of sleeping where most dreaming occurs) has been increased due to exercise.

There are a lot of theories to why we sleep, the random firing of neurons is the most likely..
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm Interesting.

I know he sleeps with Lei, but thats it.