Very new to all of this


New member

I am an overweight old fossil aged 65 and fed up with being fat. My knees and ankles are starting to complain, and its only a matter of time before my hips join in. I've tried all the quick fix diets and certainly lost the weight, but put it all back on again.
Since Christmas I have been eating sensibly and more importantly cooking sensibly. I've bought an exercise bike and have lost a stone (that's 14lbs) It's just a flea bite in the grand order of things, but I'm happy with it. My husband is on the health kick with me, he has lost 16lbs since Christmas. His exercise is walking the dog and I hope to join him before next Christmas because my joints are getting less painful and my legs feel stronger.
I've been told to get myself a weight loss ticker. Not sure what they are, but my neighbour has written down all the instructions for somewhere called Ticker factory for me to have a go. I only weigh every 2 weeks but a ticker seems a good idea for motivations so I'll have a go tomorrow.
Thank you for taking the time to read this.
Welcome to the forum :)

you have made a great start, well done.

when you get your ticker code paste it into your signature which is found in settings, look for the edit signature link.
Thanks Trusylver. I shall do that later on this morning after the house work. We have moved to a much smaller house now there is just the 2 of us and we are both retired so my husband does down stairs, I do upstairs, then the following week we swap. I reckon we are turning into boring people. Moving from a family of 4 where the bedrooms needed 'shoveling out' every day, to a family of 2 is quite a change
I belong to a crafting forum, but we aren't au fait with tickers on there.
Welcome, I'm so happy you are taking the steps you need to take control of your weight and your life. That's why we are all here. Beginning is the biggest step.