Very cloose to goal weight, need some tips


New member
Hi been doing calorie deficit now for 8 months, been going very good so far did start at 124.6kg and 8 months later 92kg, goal weight seems to be around 80-85kg for me,

eat about 1200-1600cal per day, mosly herbalife shakes/mealstick with green tea, im 26 male 180 cm,

Dont rly do any cardio or str workouts but going to start now, Cant use any cloths that i own anymore but this stupid stomach is still masssive, yet lost 36CM when i masure stomach and hips together,

1, do you thing those 7kg that i still need miss, will help that stomach reduce in size

would love to get any real info thanks :D wanna hit that finsh line :D Happy new YEAR!
Hi been doing calorie deficit now for 8 months, been going very good so far did start at 124.6kg and 8 months later 92kg, goal weight seems to be around 80-85kg for me,

eat about 1200-1600cal per day, mostly herbalife shakes/mealstick with green tea, im 26 male 180 cm,

Dont rly do any cardio or str workouts but going to start now, Cant use any cloths that i own anymore but this stupid stomach is still masssive, yet lost 36CM when i masure stomach and hips together,

1, do you thing those 7kg that i still need miss, will help that stomach reduce in size

would love to get any real info thanks :D wanna hit that finsh line :D Happy new YEAR!

Just losing the extra 7kg your looking for won't necessarily make your stomach any smaller. Unfortunately no matter what anyone tells you, you cannot dictate where the fat loss will come from. If your lucky your stomach fat will lessen some but it could also come from your arms, legs, butt, chin or a multitude of other spots on the body. Don't delay your strength training / muscle building program a minute longer, this alone will help with ridding yourself of the extra fat you have. Please don't be concerned when you weight goes up some when you initially start your program as you will add muscle to your frame and it weighs more than fat so you should have a weight increase, before the body fat starts to drop again. Bigger muscles burn more energy 24/7 and the science says the majority of the extra energy you burn up will come from fat stores. So the bigger the muscles the more fat loss you can expect, as long as your nutritional / caloric intake is proportionate to your caloric output. You should never look at your journey as weight loss but "body recomposition" it doesn't matter what you weigh as long as your lean mass to fat ratios are where they should be. "Dieting" (a word that should be removed from the vernacular) is not the way to go about safe and productive fat loss. Building muscle and a well thought out nutritional plan are where the best results are at. You not only lost some body fat "dieting" but I guarantee you also lost a lot of muscle mass which has slowed your metabolism. Get to the strength training / muscle building program asap and you will begin to see the results you have been looking for. Be in it for life and get yourself onto the path of a "fitness lifestyle"....
Hi Airpoli. Great job on losing weight. Belly fat has a visceral and a subcutaneous component. The visceral fat is associated with insulin/carb metabolism and is manageable with low GI food. Herbalife shakes are good choices in this regard. Subcutaneous fat doesn't go away easily,needs abs workout. A waist (belly) to hip proportion of 0.9 in guys is considered healthy. Please check your day to day diet to see if it is nutritious and balanced. You want to look at your weight management program as a journey to a balanced lifestyle rather than a hit and let go target. "Weight loss" shouldn't be a "net loss". You should gain health and a better body at the end.
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