Very angry about Christmas weight gain


New member

I am so pissed off. I went back to europe for Xmas for 3 weeks and had no access to a gym or yoga studio, and normally I train 7 days per week.

I gained 5kg over 3 weeks and am so so so pissed off about it. I was staying with in-laws at the top of a mountain in the middle of nowhere and we were snowed-in most of the time. I had about 6 "work-outs" if you could call them that....after the kids went to bed, I would do some push ups/sit ups/tricep dips, lunges, squats, etc, in the bedroom for an hour. God knows if those sessions actually achieved anything.

As I was so bored and in charge of 2 small kids, I comfort drank like hell. Drank half a bottle of wine every lunch and the other half for dinner. So one bottle of wine a day for 3 weeks. And normally I drink only once every 2 weeks, as a reward.

Not really surprising I gained all that crap.

But it really has upset me and I am soooooo tempted to just enter a vicious cycle of not caring.....its been a week since I came back and so far have lost 1.5 lbs of the 11 that I put on. Wtf??? How long is it gonna take to go back to normal? This just sucks. It sucks donkeys.

Did anyone else gain loads of crappy weight over the holidays?

And can i just say I absolutely detest not being able to train the way I normally do when I am on holiday. It really bugs me.
Yeah, weight loss is frustrating, but when you get mad about it.. well.. it just doesn't really help. Most people on here that have lost weight have a very positive attitude.
So... here's some positive words for you:
WE'VE ALL GAINED WEIGHT! you're still a good person! You'll lose weight and feel even better about yourself!
(next time that you go on a long vacation, you might want to look in to gym accommodations)
Yeah, weight loss is frustrating, but when you get mad about it.. well.. it just doesn't really help. Most people on here that have lost weight have a very positive attitude.
So... here's some positive words for you:
WE'VE ALL GAINED WEIGHT! you're still a good person! You'll lose weight and feel even better about yourself!
(next time that you go on a long vacation, you might want to look in to gym accommodations)

Yeah I hear you. Need to be a bit more positive. I've done it before and I can do it again, type thing. But yes, next time I am away from home for that length of time, I will have to plan in advance some type of gym excursions or classes or something.
Thanks again.