Hey there. I'm a 17 year old volleyball player, I play very competetively about 11 months of the year. Currently I'm around 6'1, 165 lbs with a 40 inch vertical and very little body fat. Being shorter, I'm looking to increase my vertical more, so I have designed myself a program. On the first day, I do strength, squats, lunges, calf raises, shrugs and leg presses. Second day I do plyo, with about 6 different jumping exercises. I run everyday for about an hour, with wind sprints every second day. With this, I also do a four day rotation of chest, triceps, shoulders and back, with less than max weight so I do not bulk excessively. So my question is, do you think the leg portion will really be beneficial, or will it just add unneeded mass that will decrease my vertical leap?