Hi Qwerty,
I think the amounts are personalized, but my plan calls for a roughly half-way split of lean protein and veggies. For meal 3, for example, one of my options is for 120 grams of meat and 120 grams of veggies. I'm finding that to be a lot of food! I have less for meals 1 and 2, but it's almost equal to my protein serving. As for the amount, it depends on the bulk of the veggies you choose. If you go with a green salad, you'll get a lot of green for the grams. Other veggies are denser, so you get less. I'm finding the best way for me to eat is to eat a portion of my veggies as onions, mushrooms, etc., cooked with my protein, and a salad. Sometimes I have asparagus or cauliflower on the side and have a smaller salad. I am American, too, but I bought a scale that measures in grams so I wouldn't get confused. You can google "gram to ounce conversion" to get the ounces.