Sport Veggies help me!

Sport Fitness


I'd love some input. I am currently trying to keep my calories up to where they should be for my activity but find it hard on a regular basis. I can do it just fine by adding my meals of complex carbs (grains) and lean protein but if I add veggies I feel like it makes it much harder! Veggies are so low cal that if I add them I end up getting too filled up by them to finish the calories I still need to get in. I know I need them, and I miss them! Its just that they are hard to add in significant ways without taking up too much room in my tummy. Anyone have some good ideas on how to add veggies without getting full from them? What is a good amt to have per day? this may seem like such a basic silly question, but I guess its just something I've overlooked. Thanks
pretty much EVERY meal except post workout, should have veggies. from the vague info you've given, it almost sounds like you're trying to eat too many complex carbs. not every meal should contain complex carbs like rice, pasta, beans, oatmeal.
Well for my last two meals I have protein/veg/fat. I had to train myself so to speak to take in a decent amount of veggies cause you are right they are filling. What I did at first was added a little bit of veggies to every meal I had (except breakfast) but I did it in a small amount, like literally 1/3 of cup kind of thing. So if i had a chicken wrap I would toss in a little spinach in the wrap or eat half a carrot on the side with it. Then at the end of the night I would eat tad higher caloire, higer fiber veggies like sugar snap peas,green beans, or collard greens. Now I get in veggies all the time and have the room for them. So try mixing small amout in with each meal, little larger amounts towards the end of the night and that should help some.
Well to Malcore-I actually don't do THAT many whole grains. In the morning I do a shake before I work out and oatmeal and egg whites afterwards. Lunch is usually chicken breast in a low carb, whole wheat wrap with salad, tomato, avocado, black beans or tuna with salad and black beans. my afternoon snack is usually a shake on the go and dinner is usually some lean meat and veg. combo without rice. SO the only complex whole grain stuff is pretty much the oatmeal and beans..I guess the wrap too, sort of. I guess compared to what I used to eat veggie wise (thats like ALL i ate which is why my cals were SO low at the beginning) what I eat now doesn't seem sufficient, but perhaps it is. Leip I do the veggie thing in my wraps and I do veggies at dinner but thats just about the only time.