Sport vegetarian and protein

Sport Fitness
I turned vegetarian 6 months ago, and my hair is falling out. My pharmacist says it's because I'm getting only plant based protein. The problem is I don't know where to get meat based protein. I don't eat tofu, cottage cheese, fish, etc. Would soy milk do anything? Ugh I don't want to eat any meat but I don't want to be bald either...
well the vegetarians i know will eat things like eggs and cheese. but they're more for not eating animals that have been killed to get their food, not totally avoiding animal based food, i dont know what your beleif is. but soymilk... isnt that plant based protein too? because soy is a bean. i think you can add protein to your diet by drinking soy milk,but it might not be what you need. i hope this helped!good luck!
why don't you eat tofu?

do you eat "fake meat" like quorn?

do you not eat dairy at all?

you can get protein in beans and lentils.

track your food intake on fitday and see how many grams of protein you're getting per day.
vegetarian protein

Well, doctors are just 'people' and most are horribly misinformed about what it means to be a vegetarian. Your hair could be falling out because of a vitamin deficiency...doctors even tell women that they can't be vegetarians when pregnant. These are doctors that don't realize that there are entire populations that don't eat meat--ever. Sorry for the rant...I just hate when doctors don't inform themselves. Now, are you vegan? If range eggs are good, peanut butter, go to a good health food store and get protein powder that is also plant based--you can put scoops in your soy milk or other drinks. Soy protein is good and you can get alot of it in the 'fake' meats the other user posted. Try morningstar breakfast sausage....mmmmmm. Don't make it a staple though, this stuff is high in sodium sometimes. Either way, you should consult with a nutritionist. I have been a vegetarian (ovo-lacto...that means I eat eggs and cheese) for 7 years. When I first started I got cracks around my mouth that would bleed. I screwed up and developed a wicked B-12 deficiency. My mistake was that I just removed the meat from my diet (which was not good to begin with). Instead, you need to learn new foods---which can be fun, and eat a variety. Talk to a your research. You can be a healthy vegetarian. Unfortunately, many people (like western medical doctors) aren't equipped to help you out. :)

I just realized that you were saying a pharmicist told you this. Yikes...s/he should NOT be giving advice like this without your records from a full physical...which s/he should not have anyway. Yikes again!