i steam mine, dont care to do them raw or see the need to
Although some nutritionists will tell you to eat only raw fruit and vegetables, there is no evidence to show that a raw food diet offers any greater benefits than a diet containing both cooked and raw foods.
Several trials show a reduced risk of heart disease with 400-650 grams of fruit and vegetables daily. What's more, these beneficial effects were seen with fruits and vegetables of all kinds — fresh, canned, frozen, cooked, or raw — not just those consumed in their raw state.
Cooking serves several useful purposes. It sterilizes food by inactivating harmful bacteria that are found on many foods. It makes foods softer to chew and digest. And it also increases the activity of various phytochemicals, which are important for anyone who is healthy and wants to stay that way.
microwaving isnt supposed to be good for them. dont know about frying them