Sport vegetables, cooked or uncooked?

Sport Fitness
I saw a thread where somebody said that all vegetables should be eaten raw whenever possible. now I do food technology as a subject in school and I know that blanching vegetables in boiling water can remove important nutrients, but what about when frying them in something like a stir fry? or microwaving them as part of a mixture?
i steam mine, dont care to do them raw or see the need to

Although some nutritionists will tell you to eat only raw fruit and vegetables, there is no evidence to show that a raw food diet offers any greater benefits than a diet containing both cooked and raw foods.

Several trials show a reduced risk of heart disease with 400-650 grams of fruit and vegetables daily. What's more, these beneficial effects were seen with fruits and vegetables of all kinds — fresh, canned, frozen, cooked, or raw — not just those consumed in their raw state.

Cooking serves several useful purposes. It sterilizes food by inactivating harmful bacteria that are found on many foods. It makes foods softer to chew and digest. And it also increases the activity of various phytochemicals, which are important for anyone who is healthy and wants to stay that way.

microwaving isnt supposed to be good for them. dont know about frying them
it's important to eat a variety of veggies, all different colors, to get a variety of nutrients. you might try them raw in a salad for lunch, and cooked at dinnertime, for variety.
abear said:
i steam mine, dont care to do them raw or see the need to

Although some nutritionists will tell you to eat only raw fruit and vegetables, there is no evidence to show that a raw food diet offers any greater benefits than a diet containing both cooked and raw foods.

Several trials show a reduced risk of heart disease with 400-650 grams of fruit and vegetables daily. What's more, these beneficial effects were seen with fruits and vegetables of all kinds — fresh, canned, frozen, cooked, or raw — not just those consumed in their raw state.

Cooking serves several useful purposes. It sterilizes food by inactivating harmful bacteria that are found on many foods. It makes foods softer to chew and digest. And it also increases the activity of various phytochemicals, which are important for anyone who is healthy and wants to stay that way.

microwaving isnt supposed to be good for them. dont know about frying them

hmm, where did you get that bit in italics from?

i thought it was common knowledge that cooking food killed some of the vitamins in it. as well as that, cooking food totally destroys all the enzymes in the food. it's estimated that 50% of vitamin B is lost through cooking veg and sometimes more.

Dr Viktoras Kulvinskas who has researched the topic of nutrional loss through cooking stated in his "Survival Report into the 21st Century":

"There is a nutrient destruction of approximately 85 per cent from cooking"

He wasn't just talking about veg here though, he meant everything, from meat to fish to eggs to veg. Just like when you cook your chicken, large amounts of protein are lost (studies have shown that cooking meat can decrease the amount of protein in it by up to 30 fold!!!).

In short, eat your veg raw whenever possible. When cooking, it's better to steam them and for as short a period of time as possible. And as far as I'm aware, boiling, microwaving, frying all do the same thing. Cooking is baaaaaad, mmmkay. :D
Well, what I learned in school was that steaming is the best way to go, they had several pages of fancy graphs but in a nutshell the human digestive system doesn't have an enzyme to break down raw vegetables fully. Boiled vegetables lost alot of nutrients to the water but steamed lost virtually none while softening up the fiber to allow for higher rates of digestion than raw vegetables.

Meaning while there were slightly less vitmains available to be absorbed in steamed as compared to raw more are absorbed.

As far as stirfrying if you keep a steady stir on and have enough liquid you are basically steaming them anyway.
the italics was from christian finn when asked about raw veggies. the following is from alan aragon when asked the same thing

i've been studying nutrition for almost as long as you've been alive, and i can tell you with 100% certainty that you've fallen victim to NFS - nutritional fad syndrome. this syndrome has stricken many bodybuilders across the world, but a small, vigilant coalition of scientists & science-minded bodybuilders are working hard to prevent further spreading of this disease. take my advice & just don't cook your food to the point of charring/reducing it to a mass of carcinogenic black ash, & you'll be just fine.