Sport Vegans persuading me to give up Milk?

Sport Fitness
I am a college student and some vegans are trying to get me to give up milk on my quest for a healthier and better body.

They claim that milk isn't meant to be consumed by humans at all. That our body doesn't process it correctly and it is bad for our health. It also increases the aging process. Now should I give up milk completely? About 10 months ago when I started my diet I switched to organic milk. But now i'm seriously considering switching to soy milk for the added health benifits. They say after a few weeks you get use to soy milk and it tastes just as good as regular milk but a lot healthier.

Also, she rambled on about some of the Cruelties towards cows. But I was too busy staring at her chest. She mentioned something about howthey have to be forceable impregnated over and over again to produce milk. And all I could think was I'd like to well you know.

Anyway, seriously guys should I make the switch to soy milk or cut down my milk consumption?
um... first, you're a pig. :D

secondly, i'm not sure how i feel about soy products. there's more building evidence that it isn't really that good for you.

third, if you do a search for milk topics you might be able to find some more information on the site.
I disagree. I've heard only good things about soy milk. Show some articles of it being bad for you. Omega 3 and 6 added along with soy protein that supposed to lower your blood cholesterol.
Pics of said chest? :rolleyes:

For any study saying that milk is not good for humans, there are multiple studies about the benefits of milk.
ummm, ok Russ whatever you say.:)

As for the cows being impregnated? Well, my grandparents had a milk cow (several cows actually, but one that they kept for milk production) - Don't know about commercial people, but the way they got milk was to keep taking it - milk in cows, like humans, is supply and demand. If a cow has one calf, and they keep milking her, guess what? she keeps making milk. I know they use artificial hormones and all that to bump up supply in commercial cows, but I don't see why in the world they would need to impregnate them several times when all they have to do is keep milking them. - so that might just be animal-worship propaganda.

Anyway, for every thing you can find that says cow's milk is bad for you, you can find one that says it's good for you, so do what you want.
If you look on the second page of "nutrition" you'll find my ramblings on milk. By itself, soy isn't that great for you. However, if organic (non-GMO), and fermented it can be a safe addition to the diet at around 10 grams a day.
if it is organic milk then the cow is not impregnated like you speak of. Its true, cows give out milk just as we humans do, when they nurse. We give them drugs and hormones to keep them in this state for extended periods of time. But thats BS she says milk wasnt meant for us blah blah. How do you think she got that big chest? she wasnt a vegan forever, probably started recently...
Drink raw milk and your body will process it fine. Soy sucks; it was originally meant as a fertilizer and was not meant for human consumption unless it's fermented (but different discussion).

<--prostate cancer and soy

<--reduced test serum levels
<---interesting. Male mice became demasculanized when fed soy

And a book I have on my bookshelf
I also believe that because it contains estrogen, it can therefore rasie the estrogen levels in men, and therefore create fat gain. ( this is soy milk im talking about). Im a stgon believer that, if not ellergic to cows milk, DRINK UP! The calcium does both kids and adults the world of good, and is also said that the calcium in milk promotes fat loss.

my 2 cents.
You don't have to drink milk at all.

Cows milk is meant to do one thing; make baby cows grow big and fat. If you're not a baby cow then you don't need milk.

Humans existed for millions of years without drinking milk or eating large amounts of grains and cereals.

Check out the Paleo diet and go primal in your diet habits and you'll be healthier than any milk drinking, grain eating person on the planet.
When told they don't need milk, people act as though they will die from malnutrition without it, or their bones will become brittle. Weight training alone does more for bone density than milk can ever do.

Need milk that bad? Drink goat milk. The composition is alot closer to human milk than cows. It is also hypoallergenic. Not to mention, it will leave the stomach in about 30 minutes, as required, as opposed to cow's milk, which can hang around for up to 3 hours.

As a side note, a pediatrician in my area (and the late, natural bodybuilder George Reeves - did I get the name right?) observed that they can generally tell the difference between children who grew up drinking goat's milk versus children who grew up drinking cow's milk.
Ah yes the old "you need milk for your bones" myth.

The fact is that most bone loss can be attributed to an acid base imbalance in the body. The human body works best at a ph of about 7.4 or slightly alkaline (base) since most people today have diets that tend to drop ph below 7 (acid) the only way a body has to balance the acid is to leach calcium from the bones.

You should eat a diet that leaves a net alkaline load on the body.

Here's a little tid bit you might like to know.

The fossil record shows that pre agrarian men (hunter gatherers) were actually healthier than more modern humans. They were taller and showed less incidence of disease than humans who were living in a "civilized" agrarian culture. In fact the shift from a hunter gatherer diet (basically just meats, greens, non starchy veggies, fruits and nuts) and life style which entailed a shift to diets based on grains and starchy vegetables did more harm than good. Once that shift occurred, you start to see evidence of vitamin deficiency, tooth decay, and other diseases of long term diet deficiency.

There are a couple books on the subject that I recommend.

The Paleo Diet by Cordain and The Ph Miracle ( can't think of the author's name)
"The Food Connection" by Sam Graci is another good book in which he talks plenty on the Paleo diet as well.