Sport Using Meats in Salad

Sport Fitness
Lean meats. Chicken breast, steak, turkey breast, even lean pork cuts and fish.

There's no magic here. You need it. Whether its on the salad, or next to it.

REmember cheese and egg are protein sources too, and egg whites have zero fat too. When I hit the salad bar across the street ($4.99 a pound), I get lots of meat, veggies and a bit o tastey stuff like bacon bits and eggs. VERY light on the the dressing overload is what turns most people's healthy salad into a fatty 'lost cause'.
I usually do a tablespoon of their basamic vinegrette, because it doesn't have hydrogenated oil.

plus a thin dressing full of flavor goes a long way vs the thicker stuff.

i've also made a dressing with olive oil, flaxseed oil, and a little red wine vinegar.
Malkore, awesome insight! Like the versatility you show when it comes to eating a salad. If you want a recipe that uses both steak and Balsamic Vinaigrette dressing, you might like our Steak and Asparagus salad. The recipe can be found on the Salad Center website.

Let me know your thoughts.
My thoughts are this: you better not be a spammer. If you have a site to promote, we have a paid sponsorship option for that.

also, asparagus is NASTY.
You put chicken for ceasars salad, make sure that it is baked not fried. You can also put tuna on a garden salad with a simple thousand island dressing.