Sport Using Fitday, calculations off?

Sport Fitness
grams/cal/percent of intake

Total: 1478
Fat: 61 552 39%
Sat: 21 186 13%
Poly: 9 81 6%
Mono: 22 200 14%
Carbs: 96 366 26%
Fiber: 4 0 0%
Protein: 128 511 36%
Alcohol: 0 0 0%

Can this be right for what I ate, it seems like so much. According to totals yesterday I ate 200 grams of protein. Heres what I ate today.

3 eggs for breakfast
Metrx Big 100 bar
12" subway sub (turkey, roast beef, ham, swiss, lettuce, tomato, peppers)
well a 12" subway sandwich is gonna be pushing 500calories all on it's own.
3 large eggs is 230 calories.

Back int he day I used to eat those met-rx bars...I recall them being 300-ish calories.
So that right there, today, puts you at 1,000 calories already.

What you are discovering, by using Fitday, is that you're eating WAY more than you ever realized.

Now you see why American's are porkers.
When i used to use fitday I would manually enter the labels for the food I purchased from the grocey store. You can probably get most of the macro breakdown of what you ate today from subway's site and met-rx's site.
The caloric intake isnt what stunned me, it was the amount of protein I ate. I manually inputted the Big 100. I am in awe. You guys use anything different or just manually calculate?
You can try as well.